View Full Version : Has anyone else experienced this. PLEASE REPLY

01-01-18, 19:24
Hey guys Im 19 years and I have a boatload of problems right now I'm overthinking everything. I literally have thought my self out of a happy life. Currently Ive been overthinking existence and its really messing with me. It all started when I thought about the idea we are on a planet in the middle of an infinite universe. Then I started thinking how we are basically aliens on a planet. Then I started thinking how crazy it is i exist in a world that hasn't even proved existence and how crazy that is. Then I started thinking that everything looks kind of virtual and that life is meaningless. BTW I don't think I have dp if anything its ocd about all this stuff. Then I read a forum about a matrix and thought what if life was a big illusion all these thoughts have been plaguing me for 2 months and now Im afraid I'm driving myself crazy. I feel like i have very little emotion or drive to do anything and my perception of the world is completely messed up, I'm scared because I'm overthinking everything I feel like a different person. My family thinks Im doing this for attention but that not the case I had a panic attack two months ago while working out and constant overthinking since has gotten me feeling hopeless I feel like I need to be hypnotized to get all this crap out of my head its so sad because I was so driven and ambitious and now I feel like I'm becoming a crazy person. Its very overwhelming and I'm just tired of it its like I don't even care any more.
Im actually really athletic and artistic too but all this thinking has made feel like a stranger to myself. I literally feel like i just got dropped off on this planet because everything i used to understand feels foreign to me i see things differently in a bad way its making me feel very weird. I want to find myself back but its a struggle because these thoughts just pop up and sometimes i question what if its very taxing please help its like all of a sudden i think I'm a philosopher or cosmologist but it literally eating at me because i feel like I'm alone
Ive been overthinking everything and I've been ruminating about all this stuff non stop. Have u guys ever pondered all this stuff its making feel like I'm going crazy but its just seems all too overwhelming. Its liked i opened a whole can of worms i wasn't ready for emotionally normally i could deflect stuff like this and not think twice about it but its become an obsession and its making me feel like I'm crazy because my perception of everything seems surreal and I've been thinking about literally everything. please help

01-01-18, 20:35
I have replied to your post and move it to the correct forum so I will close this one.