View Full Version : Has anybody got a sore / numb / white coating tongue?

26-06-07, 13:05
Hi all,

I'm getting more and more stressed over this matter of :-

* Tongue has to having a white coating
* Bad taste
* Tongue feeling sore / tingles (mouth does a little as well), feels like I have been sucking antibiotic tablets of some kind as it feels numb.

I have looked in my anxiety books and there is nothing relating to this, which has also got my anxiety levels up very high.

I have looked in the mirror and the sides of my tongue look bumpy but I'm thinking it could be the vains etc.

I'm worried of mouth c.

Please can anybody help if this is caused by anxiety / focusing on symtom?


26-06-07, 17:00
Hello Red,
My tongue is always coated white and I have to 'brush' with a toothbrush and hot water a couple of times a day. My tongue gets very sore on a regular basis, the tip of my tongue gets very red and sensitive. The 'bad' taste is there when I don't drink enough water or don't use mouthwash enough. Also I chew sugar free gum for a couple of hours a day in order to produce saliva in my mouth, the saliva cleans the teeth.

The reason I have this is because of a side effect of the anti depressant I am on. Most people who take anti depressants suffer from a dry mouth i.e. not having enough saliva in the mouth. I sip water all day long, probably 3 litres a day.

So if you are on an anti depressant, especially one of the older anti depressants like I am (dothiepin), then that is probaby the cause. However if you are not taking any meds that might cause this side effect, then I am afraid I don't know what the cause is. Hopefully someone else will post and know the cause.

Take care


26-06-07, 17:08
Hello Red, if you were to see an acupuncturist or even a GP interested in complimentary therapies, they would take a great interest in your tongue as it is a great indicator of your overall health. I currently have a thick white coating on my tongue with red spots!! which I am told is what my acupuncturist would expect to see being that I'm pregnant and struggling with all day nausea and sickness. Don't be scared of what it looks like, but do get it checked out, it could be a simple case of you not drinking enough water for example which can make the tongue dry, cracked and very sore. You'll feel so much better when you've spoken to a practitioner, honest.

26-06-07, 17:29

I visited my doctor last Thursday as I'm also feeling nausea and burping acid up. The doctor asked for a stool sample (to see if any bacteria) and said I had a blood test three months ago and another one would not be needed.

I asked him about my tongue and he said no growths in there and no signs of anything to alarm him and acid could of come up and burned tongue.

I'm not sure if to go back or not but my stool result should also be ready Thursday.


29-06-07, 09:41
I had exactly this a few days ago - I know that some of these symptoms can be oral thrush - from what you are describing it sounds similar. It happens if you are on antibiotics or are run down or dehydrated. It might be the cause - I just brushed my tongue when I brushed my teeth and rinsed with antibacterial mouthwash. It went back to normal in a few days and stopped being sore. Good luck with your test results.

02-08-07, 09:22
My mother used to have this a lot..it was caused by a vitamin defecency..check and see if you can get a good multivitamin and think that will solve your problem..its not that uncommon..Michael

Hi all,

I'm getting more and more stressed over this matter of :-

* Tongue has to having a white coating
* Bad taste
* Tongue feeling sore / tingles (mouth does a little as well), feels like I have been sucking antibiotic tablets of some kind as it feels numb.

I have looked in my anxiety books and there is nothing relating to this, which has also got my anxiety levels up very high.

I have looked in the mirror and the sides of my tongue look bumpy but I'm thinking it could be the vains etc.

I'm worried of mouth c.

Please can anybody help if this is caused by anxiety / focusing on symtom?
