View Full Version : Anxiety on and off?

01-01-18, 21:11
For the past week. My anxiety has been really mild. Like I’m not really worrying too much and I’m enjoying myself. But now today, I feel really panicky again. Is it possible for people with anxiety to have days or weeks where you feel pretty fine?

02-01-18, 14:17
I can go through stages where I can go months without anything then I'll have an attack out of no where and it will knock me back until I can bring myself back out of it. It's very normal for us anxiety sufferers

02-01-18, 14:24
Yes. this has been happening to me. Been OK and starting to enjoy things for a week or two, then suddenly invasive thoughts take over and I just want to hide. It's horrid. I try to let the thoughts pass and not dwell on them. If an event is planned and I'm expected to be there, or even if it's a work meeting, I start getting anxious in the days beforehand and it feels like all my ability to live normally evaporates and I can't do anything but worry and feel panicky. Even when I have faced such situations recently, they have often been unmanageable and made me worse, whereas before this condition took hold, I would get by. I'm just praying I don't have to live with these constant periods of uncertainty and I dread it when anxiety takes hold as I cannot live like that. Hopefully you have a few techniques and strategies to cope. Good luck and best wishes. Try not to dwell on thoughts etc when you feel anxious. Just let them go. It's good to go and do something to take your mind off it.

02-01-18, 14:27
I'm with Croydonbee on this one and agree with all points but sometimes when you find the anxiety and thoughts have overwhelmed you they have a bit more power so it's harder to shut them back out. That's what I'm experiencing at the moment anyway.

02-01-18, 14:55
Same happened to me, David. I know when thoughts try to take grip and it can be very hard to ignore them. Before you know it, you're back at square one.