View Full Version : Meets in kent and uk support group

dashkash kentmeets
02-01-18, 01:50
Hi i help run a support group on facebook for people suffering from various mental health issues to give and gain support from each other.
We also have friendly meets in the Kent area once a month.

Considering every member including the admins are fellow sufferers of mental health illnesses the meets have been very successful, the meets have been going on now for nearly 7 years and genuine friendships have been made over the years but also members are very welcoming to new members who are coming along to their first meet.

The group is quite small as we prefer to keep it this way so its more personal and that members actually get to know each other.
The group is a closed group on facebook which means that no one on your friend list will know what the group is for as only members can see comments written on it.

If you would like to join either the support group or the meet group on facebook then please log in to your facebook and then click this link and ask to join. :)

Look forward to getting to know you.