View Full Version : Has anyone here woken up to the door knocking?

02-01-18, 08:19
HI All,
I've had this for many years now - it doesn't happen all the time but lately it's happened a couple of times over the last month which is weird.
I wake up to the door knocking really heavy - like someone is desperate to get in, I wake up startled and listen - no one is ever there, it's always just a weird thing.
I think it might be exploding head syndrome as sometimes Ive woken up to a gun shot but that was definitely in my head - anyone relate?
I think it might be a sleep disorder type thing as it's definitely not someone knocking at the door!

02-01-18, 08:25
You are describibg the sleep disorder perfectly. Totally harmess if unsettling!

02-01-18, 08:44
so unsettling!! Thanks Country Girl x

Chris 614
02-01-18, 08:55
Every so often I am awakened by a popping sound in my head. Like a door slamming or gun firing. It's loud and startles me and my body sort of shudders and then I usually fall right back to sleep. It seems to happen right when I am falling asleep.

02-01-18, 16:26
I also wake up to sounds such as gunshots, explosions, door knocking etc. It's pretty common and harmless. I also have dreams where I'm pinned to the bed by some malevolent force. None of this bothers me in the slightest.

02-01-18, 17:10
I also have dreams where I'm pinned to the bed by some malevolent force.

Ooh, night terrors. I had that once. Woke in the midst of sleep paralysis, with a gargoyle-like monster pinning me to the bed. Kind of cool

02-01-18, 17:24
Yeah, mine tends to involve shadowy figures walking around my room. Sometimes there's nothing there - I just feel as if there's a "force" present in the room with me that doesn't mean well.

It's strange, though. On paper it sounds terrifying, and these things often do terrify people. But it never really scares me. It's as if I know at the time I'm dreaming.

02-01-18, 17:49
Same. I find all that stuff fascinating more than scary

02-01-18, 18:33
I've yet to have someone pin me to the bed...human or otherwise :shrug:

02-01-18, 18:47
Yeah nothing to worry about. This is just known as hypnagogic and hypnapompic hallucinations.

Some of the hallucinations I've had:

- Hearing voices
- Exploding head syndrome (like a bomb going off in my head)
- Feeling as if my body is shaking
- Smelling things that aren't there (This hasn't happened in AGESSS) (And no, it's definitely not epilepsy or brain tumours)
- Many other things

It's normal. My GP reassured me.

Predisposing factors? ANXIETY! Lol, anxiety will ALWAYS get us!!! Just rest assured you're normal :)

02-01-18, 18:48
Me too it's like I feel the knocking. First time it happened I jump up butt a$$ naked with my pistol lol.