View Full Version : Anxiety after arranging an event/meeting

02-01-18, 13:52
I've been doing OK for two weeks. The psychiatrist increased my paroxetine dosage to 40mg daily. She promised to call me two weeks ago as I needed monitoring, but I never received a call. Still getting the electric current, whooshy sensations (even though it's an increase, not a withdrawal).

The anxiety seems to threaten to come back when, while feeling well, I have booked any social events or arranged to meet someone (even if they understand my condition and even if they are family!). It's something I need to fight. It's irrational, but I feel tired and anxious thinking about it. Does anyone else get this?

02-01-18, 15:33
Hi Croydenbee, that's anticipatory anxiety you're getting. You feel ok, then you make arrangements with x or y and the anxiety reacts. The good thing is that the anticipatory anxiety is nearly always worse than the actual event. In the meantime though it sucks.

up a ladder
02-01-18, 17:37
As Fishman pointed out. The anticipation is always worse than then actual event. I am with you though as I suffer from this too. Meetings are a real issue for me probably more so than the social events. I will happily agree to them and then spend days before feeling incredibly anxious. What really confuses me is that I can feel like this, have the meeting and all is okay. Then another event and the cycle kicks in. I just don't understand my inability to "learn" from the proof.