View Full Version : In words, how does anxiety/panic attacks make you feel?

02-01-18, 22:04
Not sure if I’ll get my butt kicked for this as it may be considered spam but I’m looking for some help from you guys to help me with a photography project I’m undertaking. I’m a photography student returning to college next week to complete my studies and as part of my final year I need to complete a graded unit project on anything I choose.

I’ve decided to highlight mental health in particular anxiety which is so often overlooked and misunderstood by those who have never suffered.

I’ve actuakly been off college since November after a complete breakdown which I’m finally managing to come back from. I’m on medication and getting better. So I’ve decided to do a photography project with 20 self portraits to show people who anxiety and panic makes us feel through photography.

It’s going to be very tough but to help me I’d like to hear from people who suffer on how it makes you feel. Be as descriptive as you like.


03-01-18, 09:43
Morning well I get adrenaline surges on and off all day,light headed most of the day,not fighting it just take it with me where ever I go,also tinnitus which gets worse as the anxiety heightens nausea,you name it I've had it for 30 years but I am living proof that it doesn't kill you (LOL)enjoy your day my friend:)

07-01-18, 18:35
Morning well I get adrenaline surges on and off all day,light headed most of the day,not fighting it just take it with me where ever I go,also tinnitus which gets worse as the anxiety heightens nausea,you name it I've had it for 30 years but I am living proof that it doesn't kill you (LOL)enjoy your day my friend:)

I have had it for years. You certainly won't die from it. But I never believe I'm dying anymore.

I used to have panic attacks out of the blue, but not anymore. Nowadays, it's just in certain social situations. However, I do have periods where I am extremely anxious: jittery, lightheadedness, heart fluttering, digestive issues, anxious thoughts, easily annoyed, etc.

These past few weeks I almost felt somewhat calm (except for panic attack triggers in certain social situations). But since last night, it's all over (almost had a full-blown panic attack in a restaurant with parents). When that happens, it takes a while for me to start feeling more calm again. It always feels like a major setback. But the good news is, is that that through continual meditation/herbs/yoga stretches/exercising, I may feel calmer again by tonight or tomorrow.

09-01-18, 03:45
Physically I feel like I have no handle on myself. That at any moment something will happen and I live in perpetual fear of that something unless I am thoroughly distracted. I want to tell someone how I feel but I don't know how to explain it. It's so strange to feel you're about to shed your mortal coil in some unimaginable way, while nobody suspects what's going on from looking at you.

I would best describe it as trying to hold back a tsunami with a door. That's how powerless I feel against a panic attack. I can manage mild-moderate anxiety. But the full blown PA makes me feel like I can never again trust my body to alert me to real danger and that's the worst feeling of all. Each PA completely corrodes my confidence in handling myself and recognising real problems vs anxiety. It sucks.