View Full Version : Quit smoking. Now have congestion. Clearing throat

02-01-18, 22:38
So I made the switch to vaping from smoking cigarettes about a month ago. Ever since I've had these bouts of congestion and constantly clearing my throat. It's a feeling that's hard to describe as I'm not coughing but making myself clear my throat , because of the feeling of having something caught in there. Stuff rarely comes up though. The chest congestion is Odd too. As I can breath in and out perfectly fine but it feels almost labored or forced at times. These symptoms tend to appear and disappear randomly. I'm sure it's just a combination of my anxiety as well as quitting smoking symptoms but figured I'd post up to see if anyone is else had gone through something similar.

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bin tenn
03-01-18, 02:19
Vaping isn't completely quitting, and you're still inhaling substances into your lungs. As many as cigarettes? I don't know, but they say not. I did vape for a while, and I had similar things, probably because it's different, and maybe it really does have significantly less garbage than cigarettes. Give it some time to adjust.

On the other hand, congrats on working your way away from cigarettes, at least. I hope you can continue and eventually quit altogether.

03-01-18, 15:07
Hello. Everyone I know who has quit smoking has talked at some point about how unpleasant it is as your body adjusts and clears itself of gunk. Expect lots of weird congestion issues and peculiar symptoms and try not to question it too much. My partner is a smoker still and I wish he'd do what you have done. Well done. Let us know how you get on if you get a chance.