View Full Version : Rash on my neck

Nighttime pacer
03-01-18, 01:40
Hi all,
I've got a new worry.
I've had a slightly itchy neck for about 4 weeks I now have a red rash on my neck.
I got some allergy cream from the chemist but have now read that this can be a sign of cancer and so am now really scared.
I'll make a GP appointment as soon as poss though as it's just the new year I guess I'll have a long wait.
Has anyone else had this? I'm wracking my brain to work out what it could be, I wonder whether it's to do with my scarf but I didn't wear it tonight and the rash and itching seems worse than ever.
Thanks for reading this.
Nighttime pacer

Chris 614
03-01-18, 06:15
One of my son's caregivers was here today and happened to tell me she got a rash from a necklace she was wearing. You didn't wear any new jewelry, did you? If it's from your scarf and you only stopped wearing the scarf for one day, the rash would need a little more time to go away.

Also, I've gotten itchiness where it just doesn't seem to stop and the more I itch, the more I focus on it, and I itch even more. I'm more itchy in the winter because it's so dry in the house with the heat on all of the time. Honestly, cancer would be the furthest from my thoughts. Keep the scarf off for awhile and see how it goes. Try not to Google about this. I'm sure you will be fine.

Nighttime pacer
04-01-18, 01:54
Hi all
I saw a GP today (though to be honest not a GP at the practice I particularly trust) the GP thinks it's contact dermatitis from wearing a scarf.
She gave me some antifungal cream.
I'm still a bit worried about it after reading about it possibly being caused by liver, kidney problems or cancer.
I'm hoping it fades. If it's no better in a week I'll go back and see another GP.
This forum is such a comfort.
Thanks everyone.
Nighttime Pacer

Nighttime pacer
19-01-18, 13:38
Hi all
I used the hydrocortisone cream the doctor gave me and the rash went away. Now that I've stopped the cream it's come back. I've made an appointment with a dermatologist on Monday. I'm really worrying now though still hoping it's nothing nh too serious.
Nighttime pacer