View Full Version : Holiday

03-01-18, 14:24

I’m due to go on holiday tomorrow and I have been highly anxious for 2 weeks now. I’ve hardly eaten or done anything. All I want to do is cry and not go. Everyone else just seems to be able to go on holiday and enjoy it. I can’t work out what makes me feel like this and why I just can’t Anjou it. I’m feeling anxious about being anxious and it is just filling me with dread

Does anyone have any suggestion what I can do to feel better about it

Thank you

03-01-18, 15:13
I'm often like this and have no idea why. It all seems such a good idea (at a distance ) and as the event approaches I feel that I can't be bothered or I really don't want to do it or I even feel scared. I've been able to make myself turn up and usually I've enjoyed myself more than I thought I would.

03-01-18, 15:51
Hi there im the same, a booked a party for my birthday awhile ago thinking it was a goid idea now my anxiety is through the roof!! Why? No idea. What are we anxious about? Nothing. I had anxiety before my last holiday... Took ten tons of medication with me, didn't need any of it, had THE best holiday. Try to relax yourself totally, shoulders back big breaths, i bet you enjoy it. Keep us to date. Enjoy your holiday think of us here with this miserable weather!!!