View Full Version : Breastfeeding advice / breast fears

03-01-18, 14:53

My anxiety is out of control at the moment.

My daughter is 1 and I still breastfeed her but over the last couple of months she’s gradually fed less and less off one boob. Now she won’t feed on it at all. I wasn’t too worried incase I googled it and it said can be a sign of C in rare cases. As she’s noi always got blocked ducts and split nipple on that side and I’m hoping my discomfort is what’s caused her to stop feeding. Has anyone else experienced this? Now she’s not feeding I’m trying to express , there’s not much milk left now but I think it’s collecting all around my areola as I have a few soft lumps which go when I express but still it’s enkugh to send my anxiety through the roof. I’ve got a doctors appointment Friday , they only had a male doc available so I hope they have some knowledge of breastfeeding ....

I just want to express to get the lumps down but my nipple is split and bleeding. Keep trying to put my daughter on but she won’t take it, maybe because I’m holding her more forcefully etc, I don’t know but anyway any advice would be great.

03-01-18, 15:08
it's a long time since I breastfed - also for around a year each time - but I'm sure you know that bleeding nipples (OUCH!) can be caused when the baby isn't latching on properly. If you put her on the affected breast and she isn't latched on well, it will be agony... Split nipples are a kind of vicious circle cos the baby senses you tensing up and then won't latch on and feed well. That's probably why she has gone off that side. I never heard of it being a cancer symptom.

Or, giving up one side may well just be the start of her weaning herself. The little lumps are literally small pockets of milk and it's great that you can express them, but whilever you do that the milk will continue that side and so you will continue to get them. It's nothing abnormal. Do you have a breastfeeding counsellor contact number? In the UK there's La Leche League and NCT. Expressing with a split nipple is quite tricky... Find help by phone if you can.

I'm sure someone with more recent experience will be along, but I recognise everything you're saying and I didn't want to leave you worrying alone. x

03-01-18, 15:41
it's a long time since I breastfed - also for around a year each time - but I'm sure you know that bleeding nipples (OUCH!) can be caused when the baby isn't latching on properly. If you put her on the affected breast and she isn't latched on well, it will be agony... Splite nipples are a kind of vicious circle cos the baby senses you tensing up and then won't latch on and feed well. That's probably why she has gone off that side. I never heard of it being a cancer symptom.

Or, giving up one side may well just be the start of her weaning herself. The little lumps are literally small pockets of milk and it's great that you can express them, but whilever you do that the milk will continue that side and so you will continue to get them. It's nothing abnormal. Do you have a breastfeeding counsellor contact number? In the UK there's La Leche League and NCT. Expressing with a split nipple is quite tricky... Find help by phone if you can.

I'm sure someone with more recent experience will be along, but I recognise everything you're saying and I didn't want to leave you worrying alone. x

Hey Speranza I’m just about to get in the car but wanted to say thanks very much for your reply and I will write more later. X

03-01-18, 22:51
it's a long time since I breastfed - also for around a year each time - but I'm sure you know that bleeding nipples (OUCH!) can be caused when the baby isn't latching on properly. If you put her on the affected breast and she isn't latched on well, it will be agony... Split nipples are a kind of vicious circle cos the baby senses you tensing up and then won't latch on and feed well. That's probably why she has gone off that side. I never heard of it being a cancer symptom.

Or, giving up one side may well just be the start of her weaning herself. The little lumps are literally small pockets of milk and it's great that you can express them, but whilever you do that the milk will continue that side and so you will continue to get them. It's nothing abnormal. Do you have a breastfeeding counsellor contact number? In the UK there's La Leche League and NCT. Expressing with a split nipple is quite tricky... Find help by phone if you can.

I'm sure someone with more recent experience will be along, but I recognise everything you're saying and I didn't want to leave you worrying alone. x


Thanks again. I’m slightly calmer this evening. I tried to phone LLL earlier but couldn’t get through. I was waitin for somebody to call me back then but they didn’t, never mind.

My mind has just fixated on this. This is the worst HA I’ve had for a couple of years and it’s debiliating.

04-01-18, 19:54
How are you doing today?

Have you seen the GP for the cracked nipple? Would be a good idea - they are so painful!

20-01-18, 01:25
How are you doing today?

Have you seen the GP for the cracked nipple? Would be a good idea - they are so painful!


I’m so sorry for the late reply.

I went to the doctors and he felt around and said the lump feeling was mostly like a blocked duct, he didn’t seem too concerned especially not about her feeding from one side! Anyway the blocked duct is cleared, my anxiety went down considerably but I still have that underlying nagging worry as I guess many of us do even when reassured by the doctor. Just trying to be sensible though. X