View Full Version : wondering whether to get my medication reviewed

03-01-18, 15:01
Hi everyone

I’ve been taking 10mg of Citalopram for almost a year after my anxiety and panic attacks spiralled out of control following the death of my mum.

I feel like things are starting to get out of hand again. It doesn’t help that I’m currently ill with a horrible cough and seem to have pulled something in my chest and back. Whenever I catch a twinge or ache, I’ll go into a cold sweat and my heart will start pounding and this is happening several times a day.

I don’t know whether to wait it out until I get better and see if things improve or whether I need to get it and see someone tomorrow morning.

It actually got so bad last night that I ended up phoning my mother in law to ask her to come and sit with me because I couldn’t pull myself together.

I hate feeling like this. It makes everything such a struggle

03-01-18, 15:04

sounds as though it woudn't harm to see the doctor. If it was getting worse before your cold, then it may not just lift when the cold goes. It doesn't sound like an emergency but it sounds as though you know atsome level that you might need a review, so I'd go for it...

btw I've had the same pain for a little while. It's some muscle I think. Ribs don't like coughing! It will be fine.

03-01-18, 15:08
Thank you:) It’s coming up to the 1 year anniversary of us losing mum, so I do wonder if the increase in panic attacks are down to being emotional over that

03-01-18, 15:12
Sorry for your loss... and yes, that's really pretty likely. Even for people without anxiety, anniversaries often trigger health issues.(Not a doctor, but was a Vicar's wife for 20 years! We saw that a lot.)

You sound as though you are great at listening to yourself, which is always good. Hope the year gets going well for you.

03-01-18, 16:09
Yes Emma I think you ought to pay a visit your doctor.
May have something to do with bereavement. Hard times.

My husband has had a bad cough and he says he thinks he has wrenched his shoulder.
Which is a common thing in coughing. I think a cough can affect different muscles too
Hope all goes well.


03-01-18, 20:32
10mg is quite a low dose. I was on 10mg for 10 weeks but kept having depression episodes, so I increased my dose after speaking to my doctor to 20mg over 4 weeks. 20mg is apparently a therapeutic dose (a therapeutic dose is the dose that may be required to produce a desired effect), anything lower is not.

05-01-18, 00:02
Thank you everyone

The plan had been to get an appointment for today but that went out the window when I wasn’t up in time to get an appointment.

I’m having more bad days than good lately and I need to get this sorted

05-01-18, 10:57
I’m booked in to see one of the Drs in just over an hour. Already getting worked up and emotional :(

---------- Post added at 10:57 ---------- Previous post was at 08:06 ----------

The dr was absolutely lovely. She wants me to double to 20mg for a month and then go back to see her to review things again and if needs be we can put it up again

05-01-18, 11:33
thats good Emmy :) well done on going