View Full Version : so scared of brain tumour! please help it's makeig me anxious and depressed!!!

03-01-18, 17:19
so recently the holidays started and i've obviously started going to sleep much later and waking up much later, my whole sleeping pattern has changed. and i started getting headaches like everyday, they wouldn't be there all the time but every morning i'd wake up with one and after a while it would disappear, like 10-30 minutes. and i also got it as i went to sleep but it'd would go away even i was in bed. but one night it got really bad, i googled symptoms and apparently if you get a headache when lying down it could be a brain tumour. obviously i have health anxiety and i started freaking out, my headache got so bad i started crying. but then i took some medicine and went back to bed, the headache faded but i woke up it was still there. now it just comes and goes, it's in a different spot everytime, i'm getting so anxious about it. like i do get headaches a lot because i don't drink enough water but this time i've been getting them everyday. can someone please help me i can't stop thinking about it it's stressing me out so much.

03-01-18, 17:31
Your headaches are more likely to be caused by your sleeping pattern changing rather than a brain tumor don't you think? Stress causes headaches, staying up late causes headaches, waking up late causes headaches. I get headaches while walking, standing, sitting, laying down, doing anything.

Your headaches are getting worse because you're worrying about them. Also, if it was caused by a brain tumor you wouldn't be getting any relief from standard painkillers and it absolutely would not just come and go. Once it starts it doesn't end.

If your headaches persist, see your doctor, don't go googling everything. Doctors can tell a lot about your health just by the way you present, something the internet is not capable of doing.

Unbelievable really, google will tell you any symptom is indicative of a tumor.

03-01-18, 18:29
I've seen a brain tumour first hand. The symptoms are nothing at all like you describe. What you've got is probably stress or tension headache.

04-01-18, 00:52
Your headaches are more likely to be caused by your sleeping pattern changing rather than a brain tumor don't you think? Stress causes headaches, staying up late causes headaches, waking up late causes headaches. I get headaches while walking, standing, sitting, laying down, doing anything.

Your headaches are getting worse because you're worrying about them. Also, if it was caused by a brain tumor you wouldn't be getting any relief from standard painkillers and it absolutely would not just come and go. Once it starts it doesn't end.

If your headaches persist, see your doctor, don't go googling everything. Doctors can tell a lot about your health just by the way you present, something the internet is not capable of doing.

Unbelievable really, google will tell you any symptom is indicative of a tumor.
thankyou that did help my anxiety. but i still have a headache now, l took some paracetamol and its still there, and that was about 2 hours ago? it like keeps fading a little and coming back after a few minutes but not fully going away? and also, i keeps changing place , likey forehead hurts for a little while and then the back of my head starts to hurt, and it just keeps changing?

04-01-18, 00:58
Stress headaches take time to go away. I get bad tension headaches and paracetamol doesn't get rid of it completely. Headaches from brain tumors tend to be excruiciatingly painful and other symptoms will be present due to it obviously affecting a part of the brain.

The headaches may or may not go away overnight, the more you worry about them the longer they'll stay

04-01-18, 01:30
okay thankyou i'll try not to worry, i am going to see my mums friend who is like a brains specialist about anxiety soon so hopefully she'll help me