View Full Version : Worried about possible nasal/ sinus cancer

03-01-18, 18:10
Hello all. This is my first post here so here goes .Have just found that I have a whitish "plaque" that seems attached to my nasal septum. I've no idea how long it might have been there. Many years?? I don't know how or why it formed. Did deviate my septum about 10 years ago in a fall, and for the last 9 years have had systemic sclerosis and sjogrens disease which has caused dry nose. The plaque doesn't hurt, my nose isn't bunged up, I've had no nosebleeds or anything, but have driven myself mad with worry, convinced that this is some sort of cancerous lesion. My doc doesn't " think it's anything" but am going to see ent. Even that worries me as I have terrible visions of losing g half my face ( I know it sounds dramatic)
I don't really know what's happened to me in the last few years. Since my diagnosis with systemic sclerosis, a multi system auto immune condition, anxiety about my healthe has gone through the roof.
Would be very grateful for any insights into what this could be. Many thanks xx

03-01-18, 18:17
I bet it's a scar from your injury. Or can't systemic sclerosis cause calcium deposits that look white?

I'll bet you anything it isn't cancer. It doesn't sound like cancer from its presentation, and it would be a very unusual place for a cancer too.

03-01-18, 18:24
Thankyou for your kind reply. Sometimes I feel such an idiot and my family are exasperated by my constant worries. Doc is sending me to ent, but rang this morning and because it's nother an urgent referral could be 4 months!!!! Trying to be sensible.....it's just hard sometimes. Wondered about scar tissue too, but dont think it's calcinosis as I've had them and this is more like a thin covering of white skin.

03-01-18, 19:27
Psoriasis? Autoimmune diseases often go hand in hand, like rheumatoid arthritis and sjorgens. Could it be a patch of psoriasis that has not healed because its in a difficult place to treat? Psoriasis is usually found on boney areas, like I get on my ankles, knees and elbows.

Also, like 0_0, I thought scarring from your deviated septum as well.