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25-12-17, 10:05
Can smells stick in your nose or does you nose have a smell? I'm staying at friends family for christmas and can smell sweat in bed I'm in. Every few breathes through nose I smell it stronger, literally in my nose. I'm also hungover.

I guess I know it isn't phantom smell but every time I smell it strong I worry.

---------- Post added at 09:47 ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 ----------

Christmas day and I'm worrying about brain tumours...

---------- Post added at 10:05 ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 ----------

Please someone reply.

25-12-17, 11:29
Maybe someone has burnt the turkey? :D

25-12-17, 11:39
Helen everyone is off trying to enjoy their christmas, maybe you should do the same and not log in here today cos pretty sure other people have better things to do than answer you today.

have a good day.

25-12-17, 12:27
Happy Christmas Helen, hope you get the help you need in 2018.

25-12-17, 22:45
Stop, you've made this same thread several time's before. How is therapy?

25-12-17, 22:53
smels like grease and my hair is greasy bit only get it now and then. Nothing all day until just plus head zaps.

Reckon it's just my greasy hair?

25-12-17, 22:59
Helen stop it is christmas day. Look back at all of your other posts on exactly the same subject and take the advice on them

Use that CBT you have been doing and I challenge you not to post on here for a week but I bet you can't do that...... prove me wrong :)

26-12-17, 00:54
I'm trying not to but I have horrible anxious feeling. So logic is because my hair is greasy, washed yesterday just been playing with it, that is what I'm smelling. So why does it come strongly now and then?

Also, woke up with stinking cold after noon nap.

---------- Post added 26-12-17 at 00:54 ---------- Previous post was 25-12-17 at 23:07 ----------

Boyfriend said my hair does smell and be gets random whiffs of himself now and then too

So why do I get that horrible anxiety pit in stomach feeling?

26-12-17, 11:24
So why do I get that horrible anxiety pit in stomach feeling?

How do you think your therapist would answer that if you asked them?

If you still can't answer these questions yourself you need to self-refer again.

26-12-17, 11:26
because I've associated it with something 'bad'

26-12-17, 11:34
because I've associated it with something 'bad'

I still worry you only have a surface level understanding of anxiety and probably need a longer course of treatment to change your thought patterns.

If that's patronising I apologise, but it's how you come across.

A very simple tactic is to say to yourself "I'm having a thought that I have..." rather than "I have..." or "I might have...". It helps you get into your mind that it's your thoughts about a situation, rather than the situation itself, that is causing anxiety.

Was anything like that covered?

26-12-17, 12:09
It was, and I was doing well.

for instance freckles spots i would be like 'monitor' but ignore it

Smell for instance very likely be because i now have a common cold and post nasal drip is a thing - logic, highly lilely or my unwashed hair but because I've read so much net funny smells associate with brain tumors and seizures

Gary A
26-12-17, 18:22
Wouldn’t the logical thing be to wash your bloody hair rather than posting on an Internet forum?

Stop this drivel.

26-12-17, 22:28
my boyfriend said inside nose can smell anyway when you have a cold. True?

Gary A
26-12-17, 22:33
my boyfriend said inside nose can smell anyway when you have a cold. True?

I don’t know what that means, and I’m going to once again ask you to engage your brain and try and reason this one out yourself without coming here asking pointless and, frankly, bizarre questions.

I’m beginning to think you just make things up so that you’ve got an excuse to post inane nonsense on this board.

26-12-17, 22:59
Inside of actual nose has a smell when you have a cold?

I haven't smelt it yet today but worried it'll come back.

Gary A
26-12-17, 23:10
Inside of actual nose has a smell when you have a cold?

I haven't smelt it yet today but worried it'll come back.

Again, use your brain and at least try to be logical. You’re apparently an educator, yet some of the stuff you post is akin to questions asked by an 8 year old.

Catherine S
26-12-17, 23:47
The forum owner as well as her team of admins have constantly appealed to Rebecca to give the forum a break....for her own good of course. She has constantly ignored their requests to do this, so why don't those of us who know her do them a bit of a favour and stop reacting by posting on her threads.

I've stopped posting on her threads myself, much less than I ever did in the past, and ive always said that even people posting to tell her off is still giving her the attention she seems to want.

Who knows if this girl just enjoys winding people up or not...the jury is still out on it, but if nobody answers her then she loses her 'audience' and perhaps she will eventually stop with the nonsensical 'health' issues, instead of thread after thread of people trying to reason with her. Because it doesn't work does it. People can contact her via private message of course, but my guess is that Rebecca would soon get bored with this way of communicating.

Cath S

Gary A
27-12-17, 00:15
Point taken.

28-12-17, 00:20
I asked my boyf he ever smells things that aren't there and he said yes.

I remember three weeks back i could smell citrus in his bed faintly but thougjt to self it could be the washing powder, thought nothing of it.

Nothing yet today eitjer so is it likely it was my greasy hair.

---------- Post added at 20:05 ---------- Previous post was at 17:20 ----------

well? can anyone relate? are these true phantom smells?

---------- Post added at 21:30 ---------- Previous post was at 20:05 ----------

Do people not think whay I'm describing are phantom smells?

---------- Post added 28-12-17 at 00:20 ---------- Previous post was 27-12-17 at 21:30 ----------

chap is saying he's annoyed, he said he sniffed my hair when it was greasy and it was the smell I described and he gets whiffs of himself now and then too. So not real phantom smell? please reply

28-12-17, 00:32
i do want help

28-12-17, 00:40
My OH has just cried because he thought I was doing so and now im at square one. He's right, I've checked freckles today, checked my toe fungus (there for ayear apparrently), sniffing air through blocked nose.

I'm am sabotaging happiness

28-12-17, 01:03
Yes you are so why not STOP it and stop posting on here and get on with living!

28-12-17, 01:06

You’ve had so much good advice and I know (really know) that’s it’s hard to take sometimes but please can I suggest that you take some time out and get some professional help for your issues. I know it’s tough, especially when others trivialise your problems because they don’t understand but trust me, you are going to be fine as long as you seek help and work at it. I’m not going to comment on smells or anything else you’ve mentioned because it’s
not relevant.

Take care and listen to what we’re saying, please.

Pip xx

Catherine S
28-12-17, 02:50
I'll take you at your word try and post something tomorrow when it's less late. But if I start to get the feeling I'm wrong I'm out of here.

Just a suggestion, but why not do this 'therapy' session via private message axolotl and not openly on the thread. The admins are doing their very best to discourage Rebecca's threads for a while, so please respect that. I'm sure you understand.

Cath S

---------- Post added at 02:50 ---------- Previous post was at 01:47 ----------

Ok, I really didn't want to get into this too deeply, I was only trying to back up what the admins are trying their best to do here...but it never works, it never does. So that's all from me except to say something to Rebecca.

I personally think you are a disgrace. You are the complete opposite of what this forum is all about. You make a mockery of all the genuine sufferers here...you have no interest in anybody other than yourself. Do you ever read other threads? Ever think about offering help to others the way they try to help you? In all the years I've known you I've never once seen you on anybody else's threads.

And after all the years I've known you my gut tells me you're playing games, and that you know that I know you are and it's why you ignore me...i'm not entirely sure what the admins think, but constantly having threads closed down speaks volumes. I'd be ashamed to post the way you do...always demanding that people reply and always the bumping of threads until somebody does. That's inexcusable behaviour after all these years Rebecca.

My advise to you tonight is to accept what the admins are telling you and take a break. Give the people who have real mental health issues on this forum some respect and give them a break too.

28-12-17, 05:06
My OH has just cried because he thought I was doing so and now im at square one. He's right, I've checked freckles today, checked my toe fungus (there for ayear apparrently), sniffing air through blocked nose.

I'm am sabotaging happiness

I'm afraid this is just what happens when we don't get the help we need and spend time changing our behaviours. Your CBT course was far too short and it takes longer to really change.

What are your options for further treatment? If they were an IAPT, which I suspect was the case, they can put you on the list for a longer CBT treatment. This would be better for you.

You want help but you need to take steps to start it or how you are now, which is how you were before your course, is likely the way you will keep feeling.

So, will you call that therapy service and see what they can do? If they say no or you aren't ill enough, get a GP to refer you as they can push them to put you on the list. Beyond this there is really only the long wait for CMHT access (which is a GP referral, not self referral) or meds in terms of the NHS.

What you need to do is work on your reaction to your triggers and your thoughts. Get strategies in place and do them. This may mean many things and reduction of reassurance seeking is definitely one of them.

So, get your books out. What are they telling you to do right now?

28-12-17, 09:05
I feel like I want to give you advice based on my journey of the last five months, for as much or little as it's worth. However this is too real and raw to me to waste my time on people taking the mick and who are just rehashing nonsense because they're attention seeking and looking for arguments. Life is too short and recovery too precious for vampires of time and effort and emotion. But happy to try my best for people who genuinely want help.

So which is it? And please have the respect to be honest.

I am interested to know your journey

28-12-17, 09:16
I am interested to know your journey

Sorry, I've remembered this forum isn't the right place for such openness. Moment of tipsy weakness last night.

28-12-17, 09:37
Sorry, I've remembered this forum isn't the right place for such openness. Moment of tipsy weakness last night.

Ok no mither

28-12-17, 10:02
Sorry, I realise that wasn't very friendly and it was said in a bad mood.

But two of the things I've learnt which I was going to say to the OP, for the little help they would give.

Anxiety is something that sits with you and is constantly looking for targets. I think of it as like a rubber ring round my waist with long, stringy overactive arms that are scrabbling and fumbling around for things to latch on to. Everyone has one of these things, it's part of the normal human survival mechanism, but ours are hyperactive and grabby and won't settle down. When we get anxious and latch on to a fear we're not coping with something new. It's exactly the same thing you always experience - whether your fear is about a weird bruise or the state of the world or making a fool of yourself in a social situation, your anxiety's grabby arms have just found something else to excuse its existence. This is why "symptom" posts (bar the very occasional one where we are in a particularly bad spiral and need someone to bark some logic at us) are pointless, tedious and thinking about anxiety entirely wrong.

Secondly this forum is occasionally helpful but professional help is the only way to get out of this. If someone hasn't had it, seek it. If someone's had it and it hasn't worked, seek out more or different.

28-12-17, 10:34
Sorry, I realise that wasn't very friendly and it was said in a bad mood.

But two of the things I've learnt which I was going to say to the OP, for the little help they would give.

Anxiety is something that sits with you and is constantly looking for targets. I think of it as like a rubber ring round my waist with long, stringy overactive arms that are scrabbling and fumbling around for things to latch on to. Everyone has one of these things, it's part of the normal human survival mechanism, but ours are hyperactive and grabby and won't settle down. When we get anxious and latch on to a fear we're not coping with something new. It's exactly the same thing you always experience - whether your fear is about a weird bruise or the state of the world or making a fool of yourself in a social situation, your anxiety's grabby arms have just found something else to excuse its existence. This is why "symptom" posts (bar the very occasional one where we are in a particularly bad spiral and need someone to bark some logic at us) are pointless, tedious and thinking about anxiety entirely wrong.

Secondly this forum is occasionally helpful but professional help is the only way to get out of this. If someone hasn't had it, seek it. If someone's had it and it hasn't worked, seek out more or different.

Thanks for that,acceptance that it is just anxiety is the hardest part when your brain strongly believes you are suffering from a medical condition,i start cbt in a couple of weeks because wether i have an underlying condition or not i still find my brain obsesssing on it

28-12-17, 12:00
I compmetely 110% agree, thats what it's like.

It's beem spots, freckles, sporting and now smells in last two weeks. One from the next, each time it's a 'but what if this time it's real' It's horrible.

---------- Post added at 12:00 ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 ----------

Is it likely it wasn't a phantom smell and was just in fact combo of my hair and bedroom I slept in? I worry I'll smell it again.

Gary A
28-12-17, 12:20
I compmetely 110% agree, thats what it's like.

It's beem spots, freckles, sporting and now smells in last two weeks. One from the next, each time it's a 'but what if this time it's real' It's horrible.

---------- Post added at 12:00 ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 ----------

Is it likely it wasn't a phantom smell and was just in fact combo of my hair and bedroom I slept in? I worry I'll smell it again.

I reckon I’ve explained so called “phantom smells” to you on at least a dozen occasions, and each and every time you haven’t even tried to understand what I’ve written.

Each and every time you post people are practically begging you to do something about your anxiety, and you simply ignore them.

You don’t care what we think. You don’t care what we say. You don’t care that you upset and frustrate people.

Seriously, why are you here?

28-12-17, 12:27
Could normal smells sit high in nose though?

28-12-17, 12:29
I reckon I’ve explained so called “phantom smells” to you on at least a dozen occasions, and each and every time you haven’t even tried to understand what I’ve written.

Each and every time you post people are practically begging you to do something about your anxiety, and you simply ignore them.

You don’t care what we think. You don’t care what we say. You don’t care that you upset and frustrate people.

Seriously, why are you here? Gary I actually second that, that is spot on :) I am genuinely suffering on a day to day basis trying so hard to get better. ATB

Gary A
28-12-17, 12:41
Could normal smells sit high in nose though?

What are you not getting here? People aren’t going to talk about this drivel with you any longer.

Why are you here?

28-12-17, 12:54
Because reassurance is what I need.

28-12-17, 13:00
Because reassurance is what I need.

I know I will get told off for "Feeding the cat" but don't care any more (: Helen you have had tons and tons of reassurance we all now fed up members and mods a like we have nothing more to give you END OF Good Bye

Gary A
28-12-17, 13:27
Because reassurance is what I need.

Says who?

28-12-17, 17:22
on train, smelt orange, possibly chocolate orange, freaked out. covered nose with hands, couldn't smell. uncovered nose and could. Does this mean it was true smell and someone on train could be eating orange/chocolate orange?

28-12-17, 17:31
on train, smelt orange, possibly chocolate orange, freaked out. covered nose with hands, couldn't smell. uncovered nose and could. Does this mean it was true smell and someone on train could be eating orange/chocolate orange?

Are you seriously going to go through life questioning each and every thing you smell? Stop this nonsense. Tell yourself it's an irrational thought. Don't post on here with it, seeking reassurance.

28-12-17, 17:33
what if its a phantom smell though?

Gary A
28-12-17, 17:39
on train, smelt orange, possibly chocolate orange, freaked out. covered nose with hands, couldn't smell. uncovered nose and could. Does this mean it was true smell and someone on train could be eating orange/chocolate orange?


---------- Post added at 17:34 ---------- Previous post was at 17:33 ----------

what if its a phantom smell though?

What if it’s a totally made up story by a pathalogical liar, though?

---------- Post added at 17:38 ---------- Previous post was at 17:34 ----------

“Hungry. Put food in mouth, all of a sudden wasn’t hungry. BF says I’m just full after eating but what if my stomach has been stollen by a giant purple koala bear that builds its nests out of peoples stomachs?”

---------- Post added at 17:39 ---------- Previous post was at 17:38 ----------

Please reply.

28-12-17, 17:41
It wasn't a lie.

Genuinely worried its a phantom smell Gary.

Gary A
28-12-17, 17:44
It wasn't a lie.

Genuinely worried its a phantom smell Gary.

How many times do you need to be told that people aren’t playing this game anymore before you get the hint?

You want help with your anxiety, then let’s talk about anxiety.

You want to just make up incoherent babble in order to get yourself attention, then enjoy talking to yourself.

28-12-17, 17:45
This legitimately jist

This legitimately just happened to me.

Is this a phantom smell?!

Gary A
28-12-17, 17:47
This legitimately jist

This legitimately just happened to me.

Is this a phantom smell?!

Not playing.

28-12-17, 17:51
Please Gary

28-12-17, 17:51
I'm sure it was an orange

Gary A
28-12-17, 17:53
Please Gary

Please what? For the love of God!

How do I know if someone on your bloody train is eating chocolate orange or not? How do I know if you’re actually smelling these things or not?

Stop asking such stupid questions for goodness sake.

28-12-17, 17:53
Maybe your nose is to close to your bum?

28-12-17, 17:54
If i cover nose and don't smell it is that a sign it was a normal smell or phantom smell.

Gary A
28-12-17, 17:54
I’m surprised you can smell anything over the reek of total bullshit.

28-12-17, 17:58
It is not bullshit

Gary A
28-12-17, 18:01
When are you going to get serious about dealing with your anxiety?

28-12-17, 18:03
I try to, i had convinced self that all was ok, nothing for 3 days then I smell orange on the train just and freaked out.

Gary A
28-12-17, 18:06
I try to, i had convinced self that all was ok, nothing for 3 days then I smell orange on the train just and freaked out.

Well that’s the “allow me to brush past this pertinent question and continue talking about my made up symptoms” response I expected.

When you want to discuss anxiety and get serious about tackling it, you’ll get it. This game has to stop now.

28-12-17, 18:10
I try to, i had convinced self that all was ok, nothing for 3 days then I smell orange on the train just and freaked out.

Is this a joke?

28-12-17, 18:19
No joke Potter

28-12-17, 18:28
My impression: you're an insult to people in the throes of disabling health anxiety. (Oh, to swap my seven-month-long ALS fear for a fleeting waft of orange on a train ...)

And before someone jumps my s*@t to tell me the fear is all the same, I call utter BS on that. This rapid-cycle posting of entirely normal every day events is pure attention-seeking behaviour. Stop it

28-12-17, 18:31
My mom said someone could've been eating orange on the train (I've gone to see for Christmas break). She's alsp disappointed in me.

28-12-17, 18:32
If everyone feels like that, don't reply. Some threads on here wind me up so much I have to stop reading them. This isn't one of them strangely :)

28-12-17, 18:36
Unfortunately, these are the threads that use up all the oxygen ...

28-12-17, 18:45
For goodness sake, how many times?

If you are just going to post to have a dig and be "clever" the post will be deleted and you will be removed from the thread.

Knock it off

28-12-17, 19:11
I don't meqn to cause bickerong i really don't.

I thought that id i covered nose couldn't smell it meant it was in fact a real smell and someone likely was or just had eaten an orange. But because smells are my current trigger, I was triggered and had to calm self down on a packed train.

28-12-17, 19:16
I am not.

What I described triggered me, like a twitch triggers an ALS worrier, a freckle triggers an MM worrier the smell triggered me. If I was with someone i could've asked if they smelt it too and it'd be fine but I was alone and it worried me.

28-12-17, 20:17
I will do but t anxiety at the moment is trying to convince me there's something wrong with me.

---------- Post added at 20:05 ---------- Previous post was at 19:21 ----------

what if they are seizures? I do feel anxious when i smell it.

---------- Post added at 20:17 ---------- Previous post was at 20:05 ----------

mom is telling me to stfu and that smelling greasy hair when i have greasy hair is no cause for concern

28-12-17, 20:27
Rebecca, do you drink diet soda or consume artificial sweeteners? They are an olfactory irritant (among other things, like breaking down into formaldehyde and methyl alcohol and causing retinal damage)

28-12-17, 20:34
Rebecca, do you drink diet soda or consume artificial sweeteners? They are an olfactory irritant (among other things, like breaking down into formaldehyde and methyl alcohol and causing retinal damage)

There is a lot of "stuff" on the internet re artificial sweeteners but I have not come across any conclusive scientific reports to support this.

28-12-17, 20:41
Are you questioning whether aspartame breaks down into formaldehyde and methanol? That's just a fact of chemistry. The formaldehyde changes into formic acid, but if enough builds up beforehand, it is a direct retinal toxin.

---------- Post added at 12:41 ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 ----------

It's why people go blind from wood alcohol. Obviously, no-one is going blind from drinking a diet Coke ...

28-12-17, 20:51
No I wasn't questioning the chemistry.

I read your post to imply that diet drinks could be a contributing factor but you say that is not what you meant so no further explanation is necessary.

28-12-17, 21:04
I'm hoping i was actually smelling a real smell and not imagining it.

28-12-17, 21:17
I'm hoping i was actually smelling a real smell and not imagining it.

Well only you would know that and certainly not an internet forum. Why not just accept what your Mum has said and leave it at that? Did she not show sufficient interest?

28-12-17, 21:46
because before I'm sure someone told me that if i cover nose and don't smell it, that's a good sign.

---------- Post added at 21:31 ---------- Previous post was at 21:19 ----------

covering nose with hands and not smelling is likely to mean its real smell right?

---------- Post added at 21:46 ---------- Previous post was at 21:31 ----------

I do have a cold with sinus infection too. Nose keeps making popping noises and hurts when i bend over.

28-12-17, 21:48
I know this is a sticky - but I'm wondering how many people actually read the stickies since there are quite a lot of them and after a while people just go straight to the posts? I could be wrong?

Hi Everyone

Please check out the following website for excellent FREE ebooks on health Anxiety - I have copied and pasted the info and links from the actual website

http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/reso...cfm?Info_ID=53 (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=53)

You all know by now that reassurance doesn't work for long and that the best thing to do is fully understand Health Anxiety.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE at least download these modules and read them - you have nothing to lose and everything to gain :-)

When you click on a link for the books I think it downloads the PDF straight to your computer - so you need to check your downloads folder

Helping Health Anxiety
Overcoming Health Anxiety: This InfoPax is designed to provide you with some information about health anxiety, including how it develops, how it is maintained, and how to decrease your health worries and concerns. It is organised into modules that are designed to be worked through in sequence. We recommend that you complete one module before going on to the next. Each module includes information, worksheets, and suggested exercises or activities. Modules:

Module 1: Understanding Health Anxiety (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/Health Anxiety Module 1.pdf)
This module provides an overview of what health anxiety is, how it can be a problem, and what kind of impact it can have on a person's life. PDF document: 272kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 2: How Health Anxiety Develops (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/Health Anxiety Module 2.pdf)
This module explores, and provides a model of, how health anxiety may develop. PDF document: 247kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 3: What Keeps Health Anxiety Going? (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/Health Anxiety Module 3.pdf)
This module explores, and provides a model, of how health anxiety might be triggered and then maintained. PDF document: 300kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 4: Reducing Your Focus on Health Symptoms and Worries (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/ACF6425.pdf)
This module explores some attention training exercises aimed at reducing the amount of time you spend focussed on health symptoms and worries. PDF document: 291kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 5: Re-evaluating Unhelpful Health Related Thinking (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/ACF88A2.pdf)
This module explores how your thoughts can influence your feelings, physiological state, and behaviours. This module then discusses ways to evaluate and overcome unhelpful health related thinking. PDF document: 251kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 6: Reducing Checking and Reassurance Seeking (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/Health Anxiety Module 6.pdf)
This module explores the different ways people check and seek reassurance regarding their health concerns, discusses the difference between helpful and unhelpful checking and reassurance seeking, and introduces strategies to reduce or eliminate these behaviours. PDF document: 309kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 7: Challenging Avoidance and Safety Behaviours (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/ACF6428.pdf)
This module explores how avoidance and safety behaviours can keep health anxiety going, and introduces a strategy to gradually reduce and overcome these behaviours. PDF document: 259kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 8: Adjusting Health Rules and Assumptions (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/Health Anxiety Module 8.pdf)
In this module we will focus on challenging the unhelpful rules and assumptions that can keep you caught in the vicious cycle of health anxiety. PDF document: 195kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

Module 9: Healthy Living and Self Management Planning (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/docs/Health Anxiety Module 9.pdf)
This final module brings all the concepts of this information package together, presents a new model for healthy living, and includes a self-management plan to help you to stay on track in the future. PDF document: 234kb. Updated 15 September 2011.

What do you have to lose

29-12-17, 00:17
I'm scared to sniff and to breathe inwards.

29-12-17, 03:47
I'm afraid this is just what happens when we don't get the help we need and spend time changing our behaviours. Your CBT course was far too short and it takes longer to really change.

What are your options for further treatment? If they were an IAPT, which I suspect was the case, they can put you on the list for a longer CBT treatment. This would be better for you.

You want help but you need to take steps to start it or how you are now, which is how you were before your course, is likely the way you will keep feeling.

So, will you call that therapy service and see what they can do? If they say no or you aren't ill enough, get a GP to refer you as they can push them to put you on the list. Beyond this there is really only the long wait for CMHT access (which is a GP referral, not self referral) or meds in terms of the NHS.

What you need to do is work on your reaction to your triggers and your thoughts. Get strategies in place and do them. This may mean many things and reduction of reassurance seeking is definitely one of them.

So, get your books out. What are they telling you to do right now?

^ so what do you think?

---------- Post added at 03:47 ---------- Previous post was at 03:37 ----------

My impression: you're an insult to people in the throes of disabling health anxiety. (Oh, to swap my seven-month-long ALS fear for a fleeting waft of orange on a train ...)

And before someone jumps my s*@t to tell me the fear is all the same, I call utter BS on that. This rapid-cycle posting of entirely normal every day events is pure attention-seeking behaviour. Stop it

Melfish, I'm afraid it can be exactly that for some of us. I know because I've been through it just as plenty of others have.

Call it BS if you wish but making such generalisations is poor on a forum like this.

The grass is always greener. I have no HA themes hence your ALS issues would be a walk in the park for me. I remember thinking this way years ago until I realised it's just not like that with these disorders as what seems minor can create severe anxiety.

To the outsider it can seem minor. But any ALS thread is no different in reality, people twitch daily and just don't care but to the HAer fearing ALS it's an awful experience.

I used to go months without changing my clothing as the fear of change was so bad. Minor to you no doubt, perhaps even BS, but major to me. What better example is there than Agoraphobia?

29-12-17, 04:01
This thread is being closed.

For clarity not because Helen is a repeat poster, but because a few other members are being inflammatory for the sake of it.

29-12-17, 13:26
Christmas morning, woke up flared nostrils and had a smell of greasy hair. My hair did smell but throughout the day i would get whiffs of it and caused me to worry it was phantom smell.

Boyfriend said my hair did smell.

Nothing for three

Train journey, smelt orange, freaked out it was another phantom smell but covered nose and didn't smell it and I'm sure someone told me previously this means the smell is a *real* smell.

Logic is that someone was eating an orange
Anxiety worries it was a phantom

It makes me scared to sniff and breathe incase I smell it again. I do have a stonking cold at tbe moment aswell. My family are annoyed at me but for me the worry is real.

---------- Post added at 13:26 ---------- Previous post was at 13:07 ----------

a few weeks ago i could smell it in my living room (orange) but we do have orange peel under the tree to avare cats. Does orange peel smell?

29-12-17, 13:39
Right Helen stop posting, you have had your reassurance about this now

Everyone else who 'normally' posts on helens threads please don't post on here.... or any other. .... please

29-12-17, 13:43
so orange peels do smell of orange?

I realise that looks like a pistake question but isn't.

29-12-17, 13:57
What do you think Orange Peels smell of Helen - come on seriously??

You need to work through this yourself as you do not listen to anything we have to say.

29-12-17, 14:10
ive smelt oranges three times this last month.

---------- Post added at 14:04 ---------- Previous post was at 14:03 ----------

like a week later they'd still smell orange-y?

---------- Post added at 14:10 ---------- Previous post was at 14:04 ----------

I'm sure Gary said in last post years back that if i covered nose and didnt smell it wasn't a phantom smell, i guess j want reassurance this is true.

29-12-17, 14:15
Well read back on your previous posts about this and you can see what Gary said.

29-12-17, 15:10
that is what he said but wondered if others agreed

---------- Post added at 14:42 ---------- Previous post was at 14:21 ----------


---------- Post added at 15:10 ---------- Previous post was at 14:42 ----------

just sat in restaurant with mom and smelt chocolate orange and freaked, mom said she smelt it too but worry she's lying. when asked again few minutes latwr she said she couldn't smell it now and neither could I. People were drinking hot chocolate nearby so maybe it was flavoured?!

Anxiety is real folks, bloody oranges.

29-12-17, 15:50
You think everyone is lying to you though and it is all a conspiracy !

Get off here and go and do something more exciting - like living a life. Please.

29-12-17, 16:21
I try Nicola, but bloody smells.

Majority yes have legitimate sources.

Greasy hair - hair
Orange in flat - had peel lying about the house
Orange on train - somebody eating orange perhaps

---------- Post added at 16:00 ---------- Previous post was at 15:54 ----------

scared of these phantom smells

---------- Post added at 16:11 ---------- Previous post was at 16:00 ----------


---------- Post added at 16:21 ---------- Previous post was at 16:11 ----------

reallt wish i had someone to speak to

29-12-17, 16:55
Speak to your family and boyfriend

29-12-17, 17:08
from what I've said sounds like real smells or phantom?

29-12-17, 17:14
Anxiety is real folks


^^^^^^ just adding a bit of humour to the situation.

Thank you to everyone else to not posting on here.

Helen you are in a huge cycle of posting for reassurance as you said that is what you need in your last thread. The truth is you don't need the reassurance, if you did then you wouldn't post so much. as we give you the reassurance but you don't believe us. and ask for a 2nd opinion...

question for you....

If you don't trust your doctor, your mum, your boyfriend or any of us on here who are you going to believe??

Please get help for your OCD because that is your real problem here, some people on here have OCD about cleanliness and some about turning things on and off... yours is posting on a forum relentlessly asking for reassurance which you are NEVER going to believe.

Please do not reply to me about if oranges smell of orange!!! that as you say is a piss take of a question!!

I will delete any more replies on here about your 'phantom' smells

and yes oranges bloody smell of oranges..... always have always will!!!!!

now I have told you that and given you your 'reassurance' you need... then you tell me this....

What rhymes with orange???????? :yesyes:

29-12-17, 17:15
ps..... nic apologies for the language

29-12-17, 17:29
door hinge!

in all seriousness it was whether the smell was genuine, it is likely it was real and im hyper alert.

29-12-17, 17:33
In all seriousness I am also being serious......Any more and I delete the posts.... that one is being left as it is vaguely logical.

you need to stop posting on here for the reassurance break the cycle.

29-12-17, 19:14
Everyone understand how you feel..... they have all given you your answers on that other thread....

oranges smell like oranges.... they do not phantomly smell of orange they DO smell of orange...

and I am not annoyed at you at all I know you have a problem at the minute continually posting about bizarre topics that you already know the answer too.

Can you answer my other question please? (without mentioning smells or tumours) who will you actually trust to tell you that this is not a phantom smell whatsoever??

29-12-17, 19:33
Helen I will leave your posts on here if they are completely logical...

no questions to the members on here just reasoning to yourself as to why these are not phantom smells..... because they are not

you say you don't know who you will trust at all and you are now on a vicious circle of posting ...... completely understand you are worried about it but you have to realise that constant posting is not the answer.... you have to work on not having to post.... I am trying to break your cycle of constant posting and pleading for someone to answer you.. (i feel mean doing it)

the thing is no matter how many times people reassure you that it isn't something you will always then post again for reassurance.... because you don't believe them.... you need to work it out yourself and be logical with your self.... as your cbt has taught you.

your brain then goes on to it's next worry which you then won't believe anyone about

can you not see how this is a vicious circle you are in??

30-12-17, 15:31
you know the answer Helen

30-12-17, 22:34
Helen Stop..... I/we are not going to stop deleting your posts until you are logical with yourself. All of these posts are asking questions for reassurance still.....

Post using your logic, don't ask questions to others just for reassurance of what you already know..... be logical.

01-01-18, 18:35
Well if you had a brain tumour you would be dead now I would think as you have had this for years.

01-01-18, 18:52
really Helen???

I even gave you the option to message me about these smells.... so I can get you to use your logic..... all of which you did in your messages to me.

But then you post again and again and again.....

See you are addicted to posting on here for reassurance....... BUT you never believe the reassurance at all and have admitted you do not know who you would trust and believe

So it won't be any one of us who post on your threads will it?????

so why do you post if what we tell you doesn't reassure you?

There isn't any point....... is there? you aren't going to believe us so you don't get the reassurance!!

you are posting as you are addicted to posting nothing more nothing less!!

Helen Stop the cycle don't post or if you do use the logic!!!

"I can smell orange, there must be some one with an orange nearby or with perfume on......... maybe it is just a smell I am mistaking for orange!!"

Do not answer this with "But was it a phantom smell though?" you know the answer and you won't believe us if we told you!!!

01-01-18, 18:54
Can you work out why people call you a troll Helen??

I would think you know the answer but can you tell me why it is please?

And my other question for you to answer please.....

If we all told you "oh yes it is more than likely a phantom smell" ... (WHICH IT ISN'T!!!!!!) would you believe us then?? would you trust us?? if the answer is yes... what is the difference between the two?? ....... Do you want us to tell you, that you have these illnesses or symptoms?? would it make you happy and reassured then??

Just wondering as I am confused..... but would love to know the answer to it.

01-01-18, 19:04
Why orange though? Am I just hyper vigilant to this smell? My OH was drinking fanta earlier and i made a joke anout smelling orange but then I washed hands and smelt it.

Possible to imagine youre imagining it?

---------- Post added at 19:04 ---------- Previous post was at 19:00 ----------

last smells were 18 months ago and were tipex/paint/smoke.

01-01-18, 19:07
Why indeed?

You tell us

01-01-18, 19:17
I know phantom smells are typically foul and strong and fact i smell other things and if cover nos3 it isn't there

01-01-18, 19:17
you haven't answered my questions Helen....... please can you?

Can you work out why people call you a troll Helen??

I would think you know the answer but can you tell me why it is please?

And my other question for you to answer please.....

If we all told you "oh yes it is more than likely a phantom smell" ... (WHICH IT ISN'T!!!!!!) would you believe us then?? would you trust us?? if the answer is yes... what is the difference between the two?? ....... Do you want us to tell you, that you have these illnesses or symptoms?? would it make you happy and reassured then??

Just wondering as I am confused..... but would love to know the answer to it.

01-01-18, 19:19
I know phantom smells are typically foul and strong and fact i smell other things and if cover nos3 it isn't there

So there is a smell........ you cover your nose (the organ that deals with smell) and can't smell it..... what does that tell you??

01-01-18, 20:20
i hate oranges

01-01-18, 20:44
So there is a smell........ you cover your nose (the organ that deals with smell) and can't smell it..... what does that tell you??

i hate oranges

Ummmmm nope!!

Answer the other questions too please.

01-01-18, 23:14
sat in a bar and it smells of pine SO badly, I freak out. Lotsrally second open the door, BAM. I have mini panic attack my boyf has blocled nose says he cant smell which scares me even more. I go to toilet upstairs don't smell it, head outside don't smell it, head back in and there you go, smell again. Does this mean its a real smell? Please. I've just cried.

01-01-18, 23:22
you do know most cleaning products smell of pine....... yes it is a real smell

now I have answered your question so answer all mine please!!

I ask again...

Can you work out why people call you a troll Helen??

I would think you know the answer but can you tell me why it is please?

And my other question for you to answer please.....

If we all told you "oh yes it is more than likely a phantom smell" ... (WHICH IT ISN'T!!!!!!) would you believe us then?? would you trust us?? if the answer is yes... what is the difference between the two?? ....... Do you want us to tell you, that you have these illnesses or symptoms?? would it make you happy and reassured then??

01-01-18, 23:23
The only "phantoms" are the ones inside your head which haunt both you and NMP.

If you're serious about all this, you need further help. Get it.

01-01-18, 23:33
It was so so strong like pine and orange and cloves? sat kn a bench because my OH is anniyed at me and im so so so so so convinced I have a brain tumor. Why didnt je smell it then?

---------- Post added at 23:32 ---------- Previous post was at 23:30 ----------

It's horrible because my boyfriend loves me so much and e've spoken about children but he won't while im like this and I'm scared I have a tumour. My mom said the smell is a Christmas winter smell but wjy didnt Dan smell it?I

---------- Post added at 23:33 ---------- Previous post was at 23:32 ----------

Because I'm not reassured. I try to then I smell it amamdd im triggered.

01-01-18, 23:35
Ignoring people is not nice Helen.

You do not have a tumour - please get help with your anxiety and rudeness though

01-01-18, 23:38
Answer my questions Helen!!

You want us to tell you you have a brain tumour when you don't???? will that reassure you???

01-01-18, 23:38
Helen you have a brain tumor!!!!

does that make you feel better??

You DO NOT have a brain tumor what so ever the smells are 100% real but if that is what you want to hear i will tell you it.

01-01-18, 23:58
Anybody been through a simialr thing? ive troe dto use logic PMing a member or two privately - phantom smellz usually foul and strong (hence worry about pine just) but don't imagine they'd be so often and otherwise brief. I AM tryinf to use logic but as mentioned km scared

02-01-18, 00:00
why are you ignoring us though?

02-01-18, 00:08
Can you work out why people call you a troll Helen??

I would think you know the answer but can you tell me why it is please?

And my other question for you to answer please.....

If we all told you "oh yes it is more than likely a phantom smell" ... (WHICH IT ISN'T!!!!!!) would you believe us then?? would you trust us?? if the answer is yes... what is the difference between the two?? ....... Do you want us to tell you, that you have these illnesses or symptoms?? would it make you happy and reassured then??

Just wondering as I am confused..... but would love to know the answer to it.


I write it that size as you obviously don't see it when I write it in the normal font

02-01-18, 00:20
Thread closed for now..... I need my bed.

I may open it up tomorrow just incase Helen wants to give me the answers i am looking for.

and Cathy, not stressed at all thank you :)

02-01-18, 00:20
We are sorting it thanks Cathy and Happy New Year to you - maybe we should be drunk in a bar somewhere lol

02-01-18, 00:26
Helen DO NOT start another thread about this overnight if you do it will be deleted as soon as one of the admins get up

03-01-18, 22:14
So I have eczema flare up and notice a pin prick scab not sure if its a dead spot or a mole?!?!?! tiny tiny, feels like a scab but same colour as my light freckles...

---------- Post added at 21:53 ---------- Previous post was at 21:43 ----------

well I'm sure i just picked it off so now panic ensues...

more certain it was normal scab but it was freckle coloured, ah jeez.

---------- Post added at 22:14 ---------- Previous post was at 21:53 ----------

would it have hurt if it was a mole because it didn't hurt.

03-01-18, 22:26
Helen, work it out for yourself.

I am sure that we have through this before.

03-01-18, 22:37
it has red patch now but i have loads of similar patches across both arms.

04-01-18, 14:06
so i haven't properly smelt orange ow for a few days but i did one sniff last night and smelt it for a 0.1 second.

Trying not to think i have a brain tumor and trying to take more control.

---------- Post added at 11:43 ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 ----------

smelt doriotos, it was cats feet.

yeatwray smelt fragrances, it was my perfume.

Just wonder if the orange thing is phantom or real.

---------- Post added at 12:31 ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 ----------

I'm starting a new role soon and don't want to be worrying about smells. I feel so so on edge.

---------- Post added at 14:06 ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 ----------


04-01-18, 14:15
Work it out Helen

04-01-18, 21:57
thought smelt it again just but i was squeezing lemons earloer and boyfriend said my fingers smell of lemoms

---------- Post added at 21:02 ---------- Previous post was at 20:53 ----------

well only because I asked him, what if he's lying to keep my calm?

---------- Post added at 21:57 ---------- Previous post was at 21:02 ----------

Asked him again and he said it definitely smelt of lemon.

05-01-18, 00:17
if its not freckles its smells and vice versa all day everyday. It's like I'm *trying* to find something to worry about and i don't know why. I have eczema patches and quite clearly very similar both arms but because one lot goes over a freckle I'm worried its scabby snd therefore MM...

05-01-18, 11:28
This morning on way to work i smelt bonfire, OH did too, on train smelt something, he did too. I feel i constantly need someone with me to say they smell it aswell.

---------- Post added at 10:31 ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 ----------

so nobody thinks they are phantom smells?

---------- Post added at 10:46 ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 ----------

I guess I'm worried about time i thought i had them 18 months ago and wonder if I've had a tumor all this time...

---------- Post added at 11:28 ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 ----------

also now worried because when relax with feet up my toe taps - anxiety or neuro?

05-01-18, 12:49
Its on back of thigh so can't see 100% but looks like ingrown hair and had it for months. How do I not know its melanoma? it feels brissly and looks like a tiny hole?

05-01-18, 13:39
Helen you seriously need professional help, take action and get help ATB

05-01-18, 15:09
Helen I have merged your threads and will continue to do so.

To other posters, please don't start a commentary on this thread as these too will be deleted.

Thank you

05-01-18, 16:20

05-01-18, 16:45
Because it is all related

You are looking for stuff to freak out over

05-01-18, 22:03
toenail infection still there too, yellow with slightly brown edge. Normal?

05-01-18, 22:24
what do you think?

Dont ask me what i think cause i havent a clue

05-01-18, 23:27
It looks very fungal still and know it can take up to a year...

---------- Post added at 23:27 ---------- Previous post was at 22:58 ----------

https://ibb.co/gK7Nmb please, please look - fungal yes?

05-01-18, 23:34
nope we cannot look, we cannot diagnose on here

you need to work it out

06-01-18, 00:35
It would be great for admin if people stopped posting unhelpful and negative comments

That takes up more time, energy and resource that we often have.

06-01-18, 01:41
That is your opinion Cath, What we need is for other members to focus their energies where they feel that they will be better used.

Discussion on this thread is accomplishing nothing,

I did state quite clearly that I would remove threads deviating from the post contents and that will continue.

As you are a long time member I would really appreciate your co operation

Many thanks


06-01-18, 02:01
Sorry, but I think I can speak for alot of us when I say this surely has to stop now. Instead of constantly deleting our posts, wouldn't it be better for Rebecca if admin stopped her from posting threads for a while so she can get some help away from the forum? This should not be turned into a therapy session, none of us can do that...not even an admin, and even just one admin replying is still feeding her and her behaviour will continue. Why can't you see this?

It's becoming embarrassing to be honest. No doubt this will be deleted too though.

i started to post and then decided if i actually posted what i thought as a member rather than as an admin it would simply not be appropriate.

But what I will say is the lack of empathy some people have with others on this site simply because their logic does not tally with what they understand is beyond my compression. All of us anxiety/panic/depression suffers live in fear of our irrational thoughts

At some stage unless you are going to pay for this site you are going to have to let it be run as the bill payer wants. He who pays the fiddle etc etc

I am not willing to go carry on a convo regarding my views on this matter here.

If you want to discuss it further in a calm and non confrontational manner feel free to pm me

Catherine S
06-01-18, 02:09
No, that's ok Elen, no point in discussing it further either here or via PMs as we obviously have different thoughts about it. Thanks for not deleting my posts but under the circumstances, i'll delete them myself. I hope you get whatever result you're aiming for with Rebecca.


06-01-18, 02:11
whatever makes you happy Cath, we aim to please lol

Catherine S
06-01-18, 02:13
Thank you Elen, what an extremely pleasant person you are. Lol.

06-01-18, 02:18
Thank you Cath, and I have a hoard of people from here that would back you up on that compliment.

But it is just such an unexpected pleasure to hear it from you.

It is much appreciated :huh:

06-01-18, 07:51
Fungal toenail tea tree solution sold in health shops. Use as directed. Also foot soaks in watered down rea tree oil, few drops in a bowl of water. My fungal nail took a few months to clear up but it did eventually. Keep feet clean and dry. Change socks frequently, wash them as hot as possible etc etc.

06-01-18, 09:04
After reading people's strict responses to you, I thought wow, I wonder what your history on this forum is and looked at your thread history. You have 10 pages of threads in under two years!!!!!! Pretty much all about different conditions. It's amazing that you've gone through all this worry and not addressed the one condition that you do actually have, crippling anxiety. You need to seek mental health intervention, whatever the doctor deems necessary, medication, talking therapies etc.

Worrying about brain tumours because you smell smells that others smell (with no other reason for worrying about brain tumours)should not be of a worry to you. Even if you had been smelling other smells there is other reasons for this happening; colds changing your smell perception, bunged up nasal tubes, pregnancy (a slight odour of B.O. from someone smelt so strong, I would actually gag).

Move on from this and see your doctor about your anxiety. You want to enjoy and live your life to the fullest having fun experience. Anxiety is preventing you from doing this. I've been there as has a lot on this forum. As Fishmanpa said, it's like a dragon destroying things.

06-01-18, 12:35
Thank you.

I'm sure as k woke up i coukd smell orange but it was sniff worth. Today out my window I smell bonfire but it always smells like that around here (boyf smelt it too other day).

Triggered when I smelt greasy hair, that came and went thay day then I remembered smelling orange in mu house weeks and weeks ago (likely orange peel) and since then its been haunting me. On train smelt it, possibly someone eating orange, restaurant mom smelt it too, boyfs house washing liquid perhaps, my perfume, handwash. It's terrifying being so on edge because a part kf me wants to go doctors to say I'm worried about BT and another wants to fight the anxious thoughts.

---------- Post added at 12:35 ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 ----------

amd when I smell these smells above the go if I leave room, cover nose with hands so that means they are normal smells right?

Gary A
06-01-18, 12:59
Can you please tell me how you’re “fighting” anxious thoughts by posting a thread on here about literally everything you smell and seeking reassurance about it? That isn’t fighting anything, it’s just being ridiculous.

The only way anyone could make it any clearer as to what you need to do, is to write “go to your doctor and tell them you need help with your anxiety” in bold capitals on your forehead and chain you up in front of a mirror.

What are you not getting? Why do you keep asking? Why can’t you just stop acting like this and do as we advise? Seriously, stop ignoring everyone. You are acting like a petulant child.

06-01-18, 13:03
Forget the smells sort your toenail out. Then all you'll be able to smell is tea tree :D

06-01-18, 13:34
i started to post and then decided if i actually posted what i thought as a member rather than as an admin it would simply not be appropriate.

But what I will say is the lack of empathy some people have with others on this site simply because their logic does not tally with what they understand is beyond my compression. All of us anxiety/panic/depression suffers live in fear of our irrational thoughts

At some stage unless you are going to pay for this site you are going to have to let it be run as the bill payer wants. He who pays the fiddle etc etc

I am not willing to go carry on a convo regarding my views on this matter here.

If you want to discuss it further in a calm and non confrontational manner feel free to pm me

I agree with Elen this site is about people been able to express there concerns we are all here for help if you haven't got anything constructive to say then don't post replies. If your not happy with the OP post then simply don't go on her POSTS!!!

We all have a choice on this forum to what we read!!!

06-01-18, 13:36
My family seem to be avoiding me too.

06-01-18, 13:39
I guess they don't know what to say. Have you got the tea tree toenail stuff yet

Gary A
06-01-18, 13:51
My family seem to be avoiding me too.

So when do you stop being so pig headed and do what everyone seems to be advising?

We genuinely have no interest in hearing about every odour you happen to inhale, we have been over this with you dozens of times before. You’re being ignored and avoided because, firstly, people have run out of things to say, but secondly, because that’s exactly what you do to us.

You ignore and avoid our responses but for some reason, you’re on here every day demanding that people reply to you even though we all know you’re not going to pay the slightest attention to what anyone says in response to you.

Truly, people are done. We don’t want to hear about what you smell, we don’t want to hear about some dot you’ve found on your skin. We don’t want to hear what your “bf” thinks. We want you to get a bloody hold of yourself and get yourself the help that you need.

Alternatively, keep being a self absorbed ignoramous who demands attention. Your choice.

06-01-18, 13:56
Helen I think Gary is saying basically get some help and that's all you need to do. I do share his frustraitions though but I say it differently.

06-01-18, 13:58
I have to agree with Gary. Honestly Helen/ reb whover. I've been at this anxiety lark my whole life. You have to get a grip otherwise you'll look back and think what a bloody waste.
Start with that darn toenail :D. Be proactive

06-01-18, 14:42
I want to but what about when i smell things

06-01-18, 14:44
We have no ideas we have run out of these. It's up to you now Helen ATB

06-01-18, 14:46
are they phantom?

06-01-18, 14:48

---------- Post added at 14:48 ---------- Previous post was at 14:47 ----------

I am finished and tired.

Gary A
06-01-18, 15:28
are they phantom?

And with that, you’ve confirmed something that most of us have known for a long time.

Goodbye whatever your name is.

06-01-18, 15:32
My apologies for using the T word.
I won't comment any more on Helen /reb threads.

06-01-18, 15:35
My apologies for using the T word.
I won't comment any more on Helen /reb threads.

Thank you, much appreciated :)

06-01-18, 15:38
If i lick my lips and taste funny but don't taste kt when i lick my arm does that mean its my lips? not sure if I'm having funny taste in mouth. If I drink or eat it goes away.

06-01-18, 15:43
Helen, we have all told you that YOU need make an effort to stop this cycle.

Up to you, alienate friends, family and forum members or take control

Can everyone refrain from losing their temper please.

06-01-18, 16:11
I'm really not a troll.

06-01-18, 16:13
NPAA - Not posting as admin

If i lick my lips and taste funny but don't taste kt when i lick my arm does that mean its my lips? not sure if I'm having funny taste in mouth. If I drink or eat it goes away.

Serious question ...... Just wondered why you were licking your arm??

06-01-18, 16:22
because i licked my lips two days in row and tasted funnyy so was seeing if it was my saliva or my lips.

06-01-18, 16:37

ok I would have thought that licking your arm would just taste of your arm

anyway thank you for your answer I was just wondering.

06-01-18, 16:53
so nobody here thinks I should see a doctor for smells? I have it so good right now, new job, new house with my OH and I'm seemingly sabotaging happiness. Last night we had lovely night with out friends, no worries but I *made* myself worry. Started looking at freckles, spots.

The smells are smells, my worry is if I'm imagining them or if they're real and I'm hyper sensitive. If someone outrignt said look, if cover nose and not there thay means it's a real smell from somewhere I think I'd be a lot calmer.

06-01-18, 17:15
100% nope,
100% nope they don't.
100% no one does.
100% of forum member say no
100% of forum members say

I have put 100% as even you know the answer to all you ask

ok now I need to stop answering and go back to chilling and concentrating on my own mental health problems or I get told off

06-01-18, 17:49
so nobody here thinks I should see a doctor for smells? I have it so good right now, new job, new house with my OH and I'm seemingly sabotaging happiness. Last night we had lovely night with out friends, no worries but I *made* myself worry. Started looking at freckles, spots.

The smells are smells, my worry is if I'm imagining them or if they're real and I'm hyper sensitive. If someone outrignt said look, if cover nose and not there thay means it's a real smell from somewhere I think I'd be a lot calmer.

Go and ask the doctor then you will have a definitive answer.

You won't trust anything we say on here so there is no point trying to advise you.

That is the best advice we can give you right now.

06-01-18, 17:54
Go and ask the doctor then you will have a definitive answer.

I am doubting Helen will believe even the most qualified dr in the world though.

Please ban me from this thread now Nic or Elen.... (I don't think you can can you??)

06-01-18, 18:11
Helen, with the fear of getting sucked into this debate, I must ask..are you pregnant?

Like I've said before, pregnancy can cause hyper smell nd taste awareness. It can also make previously pleasant or unobtrusive smells and tastes seem overwhelming and sometimes unpleasant. As can migraines (even silent ones).

The chances are it's just normal smells that float around. Its the Christmas period, there are lots of citrus smells in the air and smokey smells.

Plus, you've said that other people have also smelt the same smells. So why on earth would this give you any cause to worry.

06-01-18, 18:17
Poppy.your reply make me think you think they're phantom and now I'm scared again.

06-01-18, 18:21
Poppy never mentioned phantom smells so why are you thinking they are?

Go to the doctor's and ask them please.

06-01-18, 18:38
I'm scared

06-01-18, 18:40
You have nothing to be scared of trust me.

Go and see your boyfriend and have FUN!

06-01-18, 21:01
id anybody was seriously concerned you'd say so, right?

06-01-18, 23:12
id anybody was seriously concerned you'd say so, right?

What would you say if they did?

What would you do if someone said they thought you were seriously (physically) unwell?

I think you've backed yourself into such a corner with this no answer matters. People say you're fine. You doubt, dont believe them or pick it apart and still have the same fears.

The end story is no matter what anyone says you will be paralysed by these fears. Until you address that your life will be debilitated by it rather than debilitated by physical illness.

06-01-18, 23:49
To be fair i feel sorry for her,she is doing herself zero favours in what shes doing and is only making herself worse but her health anxiety is really extreme it must be torture.although im sorry that i “smelt phantom smell then realised it was the cats feet” really tickled me

07-01-18, 00:02
I am trying, trust me. I haven't smelt it all day yet, almost 24 hours as I've been distracted and having fun with family.

I worry I'm frying my brain.

07-01-18, 00:04
Not sure about your brain but I think that are frying mine :)

07-01-18, 04:20
woke up and was anxious sniffing sniffing and sniffing amd caught whiff of bonfire, but windows are closed and now I'm too scared to go back to sleep.

07-01-18, 11:37

07-01-18, 11:41
no one is going to answer Helen

07-01-18, 11:41
You don't believe us, you have to rationalise this for yourself

07-01-18, 11:51
would phantom smells associated with tumors change? I was physically sick with nerves last night.

07-01-18, 12:00
no one is going to answer Helen


07-01-18, 12:05
this is reallt important, i was awake 2 hours with nerves after smelling that. I wonder if theu change or kf
if it would remain the same smell.


07-01-18, 12:07
no one is going to answer Helen


07-01-18, 12:08

07-01-18, 12:12
Go back and read what we have already told you.

All the answers are there.

Or even better, turn of the internet and go and do something else.

07-01-18, 12:22
I haven't really seen much need for me to involve myself in any of this anymore, and I apologise to admin if this isn't a helpful post, but one thing I do wonder is why Helen/Reb doesn't go to the doctor with any of these things.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying she should go to the doctor, but the fact she doesn't is pretty revealing and should be revealing to her if she stops to think about it. I have been to the doctor quite a lot lately because I've had real symptoms that I felt I couldn't just put down to anxiety (although anxiety does seem to be the key factor).

Ask yourself this, Helen. Why do you only ever ask these questions of untrained anxiety sufferers on the internet? Deep down, it's because you know what the real problem is.

My two pennies' worth.

07-01-18, 12:25
Did not smell anything all day yesterday, enjoyed self and then at night I woke around 4am. I started sniffing every mow and then yo see if I could smell something and then eventually smelt bonfire.

07-01-18, 12:27
I haven't really seen much need for me to involve myself in any of this anymore, and I apologise to admin if this isn't a helpful post, but one thing I do wonder is why Helen/Reb doesn't go to the doctor with any of these things.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying she should go to the doctor, but the fact she doesn't is pretty revealing and should be revealing to her if she stops to think about it. I have been to the doctor quite a lot lately because I've had real symptoms that I felt I couldn't just put down to anxiety (although anxiety does seem to be the key factor).

Ask yourself this, Helen. Why do you only ever ask these questions of untrained anxiety sufferers on the internet? Deep down, it's because you know what the real problem is.

My two pennies' worth.

Someone has taken time out of their own problems to offer you advice and asked you questions.

It is rude to completely ignore us

07-01-18, 12:32
I'm going walk in today

07-01-18, 12:38
If you do that, just remember that you're using an NHS service because you have a working nose. If you can justify that to yourself, so be it.

07-01-18, 12:40
and I've been fighting it myself, using logic but cant explain last night. Now, I'm terrified.

---------- Post added at 12:40 ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 ----------

Server, I can't explain last nights smell after I was sniffing and sniffing for half hour then caught one whiff of bonfire type smell sniffing in.

Chris 614
07-01-18, 13:23
It is winter. Don't people use their fireplaces out there? I am constantly smelling some kind of burning where I live...And I don't have a fireplace or woodburning stove in my house. Also, my sense of smell is is hit or miss. Some things I can't smell at all.

07-01-18, 13:25
I'm going walk in today

At a time when the NHS is having a crisis. I'm not sure using a walk in is the best use of their resources. You've been struggling with this for days can you not wait and call your GP tomorrow? Working in the NHS, that is one of the most self centered and selfish things I've ever read. HA or not. I'm sorry if that is harsh but it'strue.

Plus there are some very sick people in these centers at the moment it's the last place I would go just now with HA unless I really had to, given the spread of viruses becoming rapid.

07-01-18, 14:31
Helen, I've not responded to your posts before, but 2 questions

I haven't smelt it all day yet, almost 24 hours as I've been distracted and having fun with family

What does that tell you?

I worry I'm frying my brain.

What are you going to do about it?

I'd be interested in your answer to both questions

(To admin: please delete this post if unhelpful)

07-01-18, 14:54
Helen, I've not responded to your posts before, but 2 questions

What does that tell you?

What are you going to do about it?

I'd be interested in your answer to both questions

(To admin: please delete this post if unhelpful)

unfortunately she will completely ignore your questions....

07-01-18, 15:08
unfortunately she will completely ignore your questions....

Am sure you're right VBJ, just hoping to be proved wrong. How about proving me wrong Helen and answering the two questions I asked you?

07-01-18, 15:56
Helen, I've not responded to your posts before, but 2 questions

What does that tell you?

What are you going to do about it?

I'd be interested in your answer to both questions

(To admin: please delete this post if unhelpful)

That it's anxiety perhaps but I did smell it when i sniffed loads last night.

07-01-18, 16:01
hi ladies,

i have taken a test and there are two lines - one faint, another darker but the thickness isn't the same?

07-01-18, 17:22
Hey Helenhoo

When I was pregnant with my first son I had a really faint line I waited a could of days and did another one which was the same [emoji3]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-01-18, 17:25
Thanka for reply, its the difference in thickness that I'm unsure about.

07-01-18, 17:25
and is that a good or bad thing for you helen??

07-01-18, 17:28
Helen the thickness don’t matter it’s the line that’s the important thing

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-01-18, 17:33
Good but obviously concerned about my HA.

07-01-18, 17:37
and your ocd about posting on here i think asking for reasurance because I think that is worse than your HA 10 fold at the minute

07-01-18, 17:38
I thought your partner said he didn't want kids at the moment so how/why did you get pregnant?

07-01-18, 17:40
That it's anxiety :yesyes:

Thanks for answering my first question. Now, please could you answer the second:

What are you going to do about it?

07-01-18, 17:40
He has done for few months, both have. Weren't trying amd was by accident (drunken christmas sex) but here we

07-01-18, 17:52
i want to go to a doctor but im terrified they'll say its baaaad.

07-01-18, 18:00
i want to go to a doctor but im terrified they'll say its baaaad.

The smells, or the anxiety? I'm not asking you what you're going to do about the smells. My question is, what are you going to do about your anxiety? You said you're worried you're frying your brain. What are you going to do about that? If you mean you want to go to a doctor about your anxiety, what is stopping you?

07-01-18, 18:01
Helen one major question for you.

At the minute with your mental health how it is, do you think you will be able to cope with pregnancy and looking after a child?

and i know it is new news to you

pss congratulations if it is what you want.

pps if you post a pic of the pregnancy test then I am sure those who have been pregnant can let you know if you are really pregnant or not

07-01-18, 18:09

---------- Post added at 18:09 ---------- Previous post was at 18:08 ----------

I don't know, I'm obviously worried but also happy.

07-01-18, 18:19
How many days pregnant do you think you are ?

07-01-18, 18:38
unprotected sex on the 24th?

---------- Post added at 18:38 ---------- Previous post was at 18:37 ----------

we have had sex without condom but hadn't ejaculated in me.

---------- Post added at 18:38 ---------- Previous post was at 18:38 ----------

previously* on the 24th he did ejaculate in me.

07-01-18, 20:19
Dear G-d Rebecca, if you're pregnant, please get some medical and psychological help on behalf of the baby. Not doing so will just harm your baby.

07-01-18, 21:09
I know and this terrifies me. My OH is delighted but said cant be while I'm like this.

all I'm thinking about is the next smell...

07-01-18, 21:25
A good 18 hours and nothing but waiting.

07-01-18, 21:29
so what have you been doing for the past few hours,

Whatever it was go back and do it, as it obviously helped

07-01-18, 21:32
About two thirds of women say that their sense of smell changes in pregnancy (Cameron 2007, Cameron 2014a, Nordin et al 2004), especially during the first trimester. In fact, it's often thought to be one of the earliest signs that you're pregnant . ... Some pregnant women even find the smell of their partner repulsive !

07-01-18, 21:56
I reas that but the smoke smell last nigjt after I sniffed and sniffed and sniffed? I had a miscarriage last year and i don't want to risk losing this one too.

07-01-18, 21:59
well I had smelt stuff but OH did too.

Now im back on my own.

I did babinski test on self and toes curled inwards, good right?

07-01-18, 22:08
ok this thread is being merged with your earlier one

07-01-18, 22:29
May I ask why? Pregnancy test was a genuine concern/question.

07-01-18, 22:40
Because you are falling back into reassurance seeking behaviour.

Also it is much easier for me as an admin if your posts are kept in one place

08-01-18, 10:38
Ok forgive me for posting mods/admin but it's not a typical thread that Helen normally posts about. with out it sounding daft surely there was instructions on the pregnancy tester (leaflet) showing the various displays that may be shown after a test and what each display 'means' to the user :) Now is the time to seek help over you HA problems not leave it for a few weeks get the ball rolling on this and get the help you need :) Good luck and ATB

08-01-18, 11:49
I think I have sinus issues, have done in the past and noticed when lying down I feel warm pressure in my sinus and can hear it clicking and popping occasionally throughout the day, that's it. I did have a cold a few weeks ago. Possible infection or? How should i treat it?

Please don't merge this, I genuine question using logic for once.

Violet Blue
08-01-18, 12:07
If it's a genuine question why are you asking us, a bunch of anxiety sufferers?

08-01-18, 12:37
because someone may have had similar.

Chris 614
08-01-18, 12:42
I have this year round, but it was made worse recently by a cold. If you had a cold previously there could easily be some residual sinus stuff going on. My doctor recommended nasal rinsing daily. She also recommended an over the counter medication to dry it up. Talk to your pharmacist. I'm sure there is something that will help clear it up.

08-01-18, 12:44

Hi Helen. I don’t have any advice. Just here to show empathy. lol

08-01-18, 12:46
In view of your news did you know that you can get congestion in the early weeks? Also potential for other symptoms...

Gary A
08-01-18, 14:05
You do realise that you don’t need to log on to this forum and tell us about absolutely everything that happens to you, don’t you?

08-01-18, 16:08
I think I have sinus issues, have done in the past and noticed when lying down I feel warm pressure in my sinus and can hear it clicking and popping occasionally throughout the day, that's it. I did have a cold a few weeks ago. Possible infection or? How should i treat it?

Please don't merge this, I genuine question using logic for once.

this a forum for anxiety and panic, this is a medical question

08-01-18, 19:46
At a time when the NHS is having a crisis. I'm not sure using a walk in is the best use of their resources. You've been struggling with this for days can you not wait and call your GP tomorrow? Working in the NHS, that is one of the most self centered and selfish things I've ever read. HA or not. I'm sorry if that is harsh but it'strue.

Plus there are some very sick people in these centers at the moment it's the last place I would go just now with HA unless I really had to, given the spread of viruses becoming rapid.

That's what we like to see. Blatant lack of compassion in the NHS.

08-01-18, 20:05
So how would a walk-centre deal with the OP showing compassion? What treatment should she have?

08-01-18, 20:17
That's what we like to see. Blatant lack of compassion in the NHS.

Sorry emmer but there has been compassion and understanding and to no effect and I did ask if it could wait. People need to be aware not only of their own health issues but what is going on within the services they use at the moment. There is a major crisis. Should I have encouraged using a walk in centre probably at the end of its tether? The current advice from doctors and government is only use these services if it is immediately necessary.

The issue had been trundling on for days with countless people advising to go to a GP. To wait til the weekend and put emergency services under strain for something that could have been dealt with at the local practice imo isnt the best use of that service. There isnt really any way round it after ignoring all the other recommendations to go see a doctor when a doctor was easily accessible.

And I get that this is supposed to create a safe atmosphere for people to post and if you thinking using the word selfish is out of order I apologise but it doesn't change the reality of the situation. Also there seems to have been a merging of threads. I was posting in reply to having odd smells now and again.

08-01-18, 20:57
Do not allow this to turn into a debate please.

Keep on topic or leave well enough alone

08-01-18, 21:19
Boil some water into a bowl and breath it in, could help.

au Lait
08-01-18, 22:02
Doesn’t sound like an infection based on what you wrote here. Possibly residual stuffiness from your cold. I’m still a bit congested from a virus I had last month.

08-01-18, 22:25
I don't think its wise for any of us to debate about this any longer. It's a strain on the admin trying to keep this under control and it's bad enough without people making comments about each other.

This has been going on for a long time. At this point there is little reason to keep repeating what has already been said countless times over the years.

A similar thread popped up involving a different user mid last year where people started fighting and calling each other out. The OP was gone for months and came right back posting about the same symptoms as if nothing happened.

We achieved nothing but self destruction and a sour environment that wasn't good for anybody.

There comes a point where these threads devolve into fighting amongst ourselves over opinions on how it should be handled while the OP continues asking the same questions.

It's understandable that people want to help but if it's going to cause other people to get emotionally involved when they may already be in a bad place...it's just not healthy for any of us now.

08-01-18, 22:30
Thanks for replies

08-01-18, 23:21
I told you that increased/heightened sense of smell was a pregnancy sign!

When I am pregnant, I get a really strong sense of smell, and really strong smell aversion as well. Plus the hormonal changes can make you super emotional, tearful etc. So maybe that's what kicked off the health s anxiety feelings. If you had unprotected sex on the 24th and ovulated around then, it would make you around 4 - 5 weeks pregnant. So definitely on the range of getting some symptoms.

08-01-18, 23:40
I don't think its wise for any of us to debate about this any longer. It's a strain on the admin trying to keep this under control and it's bad enough without people making comments about each other.

This has been going on for a long time. At this point there is little reason to keep repeating what has already been said countless times over the years.

A similar thread popped up involving a different user mid last year where people started fighting and calling each other out. The OP was gone for months and came right back posting about the same symptoms as if nothing happened.

We achieved nothing but self destruction and a sour environment that wasn't good for anybody.

There comes a point where these threads devolve into fighting amongst ourselves over opinions on how it should be handled while the OP continues asking the same questions.

It's understandable that people want to help but if it's going to cause other people to get emotionally involved when they may already be in a bad place...it's just not healthy for any of us now.

A very wise post. I wont post again in this thread as there's nothing more I can contribute.

09-01-18, 03:42
People like us with sinus issues get weird smells all the time. No wonder you are always smelling stuff. It's your sinuses.

There. Problem solved.