View Full Version : Anxiety

03-01-18, 22:34
Absolutely destroying my life at the moment, been given some beta blockers which are helping me. I just feel like I can't do anything that I could do before Christmas.

04-01-18, 06:48
Anxiety can make you feel as if you can't do anything. This is especially true if you have real physical symptoms associated with it. To some extent, it's wise to listen to your body and give it and your mind a rest, but anxiety does not actually mean you can't do anything. It's the fear that gets in the way.

Beta blockers can be helpful as a means of taking the edge off the symptoms, but they are not a fix. You'd be advised to get some therapy and you could consider antidepressants with your doctor.

06-01-18, 10:13
I'm just feeling like I can't do anything anymore. I'm scared of going outside and catching buses/trains. I'm worried about my health as well, think it's health anxiety really.

06-01-18, 10:28
Did the doctor who prescribed beta blockers refer you for therapy?

06-01-18, 13:25
Not yet, he's given me a phone number to call to talk to someone but I haven't yet. Not really sure what to say