View Full Version : Anyone got advice for tension headaches

03-01-18, 23:14
I've been getting them a fair bit recently, that horrible pressure and pain feeling going from one side right round the front and to the other side.

Sometimes I find myself staring into space because it's too difficult to concentrate. They've also given me the nasty added effect of feeling off balance or like i've suddenly dropped from a height.

Paracetamol doesn't seem to touch them and they're too random for me to anticipate.

They're certainly one of the more annoying symptoms my anxiety causes me. I'm one of the unfortunate souls allergic to aspirin so I can't even take Anadin or anything like that.

If anyone has any remedies or tips they could give me, I would appreciate it!

04-01-18, 10:17
Massaging your trapezius muscles around your neck and shoulders can help. I’d imagine your scalp is sore to the touch and you can feel all the tiny muscles around your neck and skull tightening up. For me, they tense up and give me splitting headaches. Yoga helps too I find and a warm compress on my neck. Also try some spiky massage balls, I love these when my other half isn’t around to massage my neck!

04-01-18, 10:21
Yeah I'd definitely look for a more physical than medicinal remedy.

I don't think it's something you can treat on the spot, rather something you build up a resistance to by doing a lot of shoulder/neck stretching exercises over time.

04-01-18, 11:31
I've been getting them every day lately, they seem to come from the back of my neck. I do find paracetamol helps but I don't want to be taking that every day. I find relaxation can help but obviously that's hard during the day, especially when you're working.

04-01-18, 12:36
Thanks for the replies all

Some good advice here, I might give physiotherapy a call and see if they can help me out. I get spikes of pain in my shoulder and collarbone as well so it would be nice to try and get rid of both.

04-01-18, 19:51
Rub your shoulders nd neck with Tiger Balm. As you go to sleep, keep checking if you've tensed your shoulders. I often find that mine are tensed up within a cople of minutes of consciously relaxing them.

Tiger Balm is wonderful (get the Red version - Sainsburys sell it as do lots of other places).

04-01-18, 20:19
When do they occur? I was wondering if computer lighting, poor posture etc is contributing.

04-01-18, 20:46
Tiger balm sounds good, i know a few people who swear by it, i'll be sure to pick some up when I get my shopping

They occur totally at random, posture likely doesn't help but theres no pattern that I can see. High stress is probably the cause since I didnt get them as often as I do now until I had that relapse this time last year and there are other telltale signs to confirm that (palpitations and muscle spasms)

04-01-18, 23:24
I suffer from tension headaches and migraines and sometimes one of my tension headaches last for a whole month. My neurologist had me on naproxen and a muscle relaxer but I find the best cure for a tension headache is to loosen up the muscles. If you can get into physical therapy it would be beneficial and they show you things you can do at home too... Massage therapy is also good. Stress most deff contributes to them and often outright causes them as most people carry stress on their back, neck and shoulders.

05-01-18, 06:20
I use ice packs on my neck and shoulders, sometimes I alternative between hot and cold.
Paracetamol are useless for me.

05-02-18, 18:42
Hiya folks

Its been a month and i've been trying some of the advice given to me.

Tiger balm seems to reduce the frequency of the collarbone pain so thats good news.

Sadly the tension headaches and phantom band feeling around my head is still persistent.

The dizziness is back with a vengeance after a brief respite for a week. I'm pretty sure it's either too much earwax (i keep getting tinnitus and a sensation like wind blowing in my ear) or it's just my anxiety playing up.

Unfortunately got diagnosed with chronic prostatitis a couple weeks ago (after waiting 6 months for a urologist) and i have a 24 hour blood pressure thing on today cause it was too high.

To be expected though considering my anxiety.

Thanks for all the helpful tips!

05-02-18, 19:27
Motillium helps in find. Also staying hydrated

05-02-18, 19:33
Good advice Wilky

I've been consciously trying to drink more thanks to the prostatitis anyway as I find it eases the symptoms of it somewhat. Before I was lucky if I drank 3 glasses of liquid a day.

On a positive note, it's been a year since I stopped all caffeine and fizzy juice. I didn't realize how bad it was making my stomach until I stopped. And the caffeine was just an all around bad idea considering how bad my anxiety is.

Motillium isn't something i've tried. When the dizziness was at its worst a couple of weeks ago I was getting nausea along with it. The doctor gave me prochlorperazine but i've run out of it now. I don't think it was doing much anyway since I only got relief for a week before it came back. That's what's making me think it's the anxiety or at worst, too much earwax.

07-02-18, 18:27
Have you asked your doctor about the headaches? I was having tension headaches on a weekly basis for a few months and finally got referred to a neurologist for further testing. They did an MRI of my neck and found that I have bone spurs on three of my cervical vertebrae. This leads to chronic neck tension, which leads to the headaches. I also have TMJ from clenching my teeth at night due to anxiety, so that doesn't help either. I take a daily low-dose muscle relaxer now and that has greatly reduced the intensity and frequency. I don't love that I have to take meds, but it's a small price for the benefit to my quality of life.

07-02-18, 18:33
Anyone got advice for tension headaches

I get a lot of pain in my neck and shoulders. Some from tension but most as a side effect of treatment. I bought a neck and shoulder heating pad and that thing is DA BOMB! :D Not only helps the muscles relax but keeps you warm on a cold Winter's day ;)

And if you have a partner, a massage is even better! :)

Positive thoughts

08-02-18, 00:29
Budgie - I've been seeing the doctor about them the past month or so. My blood pressure is high and stress levels are high too so they're pretty sure that's the cause. They think the pain is coming from my shoulders/collarbone as I get severe pain spikes there from tension. I've had tension headaches on and off most of my life, had a CAT scan back when they started and my brain and spine is in full working order.

Fishmanpa - I think i'll look into getting one of those as well, thanks for the recommendation! A lot of my tension seems to rest in my shoulders and neck as well to the point I often get numbness at the back of my neck. It comes up now and again but this is the worst it's been for years. And as you say, the added benefit of keeping warm in winter can't hurt either! :D

Thanks for the responses everyone, really great advice here!

08-02-18, 00:38
Fishmanpa - I think i'll look into getting one of those as well, thanks for the recommendation! A lot of my tension seems to rest in my shoulders and neck as well to the point I often get numbness at the back of my neck. It comes up now and again but this is the worst it's been for years. And as you say, the added benefit of keeping warm in winter can't hurt either! :D

BTW.. it has a tab of sorts that sits on the back of your neck and man-o-man does it help. I have mine on now ;) This (https://www.walmart.com/ip/Sunbeam-Renue-Heated-Wrap/517366161?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=1406&adid=22222222227109072525&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=233471762593&wl4=pla-383375906586&wl5=9008257&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=517366161&wl13=1406&veh=sem) is the one I have.

Positive thoughts

08-02-18, 00:46
That looks ideal! I will make a note to pick one up when I get the shopping this week! I'll leave an update on how it's going but i'd happily wear one of these, pain or no pain, just for the heat alone! :yesyes:

08-02-18, 08:00
I have one similar,also I put ice and heat packs on my head this does help me.My co-worker told me to buy a Lavender bag and I put it on my forehead maybe worth a try.:D

08-02-18, 09:30
My mom always gave me a neck wash warm cold an repeat it really help but it is an old German thing :D