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View Full Version : worried about breast cancer at 21

04-01-18, 02:49
so here I am again...

I'm so worried. I have got a rash on my nipples. it completely covers my left one but is very lightly present on my right one. this has been happening for months. the doctor says it's eczema - which in all fairness I have always suffered with. but since I've noticed this, I've noticed that my left nipple is starting to like sink in?! I've googled it (bad idea) and all that's coming up is cancer. my left arm also feels swollen but this seems to come and go. I googled that as well. breast cancer. I feel so hopeless. I've got two swollen lymph nodes in my neck but have just recently started to get over a cold so I'm trying to play that off as that for now.
I am 21 years old and I'm back and forth to the doctors with these worries all the time. Google is my worst enemy.
I don't know what to do with myself. does anybody have any personal experiences with these symptoms?
it's like I have this irrational fear of getting cancer and missing my daughter grow up. it's making me I'll and I desperately need help

04-01-18, 04:05
The rash is most likely due to the eczema. and my nipples sometimes also look retracted at times, and other times they don't. i noticed when i got a pimple near the area a while back, but before then, never have seen it! (the pimple went away btw). the thing with HA is that when you notice one symptom, you get lead into really noticing nitty gritty of your body that might have always been there but you just haven't been so focused on. lymph nodes do swell up when you get colds, and might take weeks for them to go down, especially if you've been poking and touching those areas. Oh yeah and I'm 17 by the way! around this age, its very unlikely that breast cancer is a possibility. yes it does happen, but this is such a small probability, and after taking statistics for a whole semester, I've realized just how more unlikely things like this are, regardless if you hear or read that one case on the news or an article. :)

04-01-18, 09:47
A doctor can spot eczema when they see it. GPs will always refer you if there's anything remotely worrying and your doc isn't worried. Might it be a bra irritating your skin and setting off the eczema? Maybe try a super comfy pure cotton or bamboo bra (the latter is great for skin if you have rashes or irritation). Like you say yourself, you've always suffered from eczema. You'd probably not be worrying if it was anywhere else on your body?

You're doing the HA thing and making perceived symptoms fit what you've decided you might have. There's only 2 ways it can go on Google if you search for anything to do with breasts - one is porn and the other is cancer! Seriously, you will find the benign causes for things hidden away under some badly written paragraph about, "can be caused by many other things".

I have one inverted nipple and one normal to flat one. They've changed over the years after I've had each of my children and gained/lost weight and changed breast size. I do check them once a month for lumps, bumps and changes and obviously you should see the doc with anything that suddenly changes. I remember getting myself referred up to the hospital at about your age to get my breasts checked when I first noticed the flat/inverted thing. I'd just never looked before.