View Full Version : Awful symptoms, I'm very scared

04-01-18, 03:33
So last week or so i posted a forum explaining that i had a cold/cough/some sort of virus and i was worried. It went away a few days ago, but last night i started feeling bad again. I got an awful awful sore throat, its painful to swallow and cough and it feels like my throat is getting closed up. its a bit better now but it still hurts. there are no white spots or anything. next symptom i got was a stiff/painful neck, i got this when i woke up but am kinda scared because my neck just feels swollen? i can't feel any lymph nodes but theres still just pain around my whole throat/neck area. I also have quite a bad headache, I've been having it even before the sore throat occurred. just is worse now. also somewhat- my forehead area/eyes are somewhat irritated. and just now when i got up, my legs kinda started feeling weak (like noodles) still do when I'm sitting/laying. i feel dizzy when i got up. my ears also somewhat ache. its just many symptoms that I'm scared signify leukemia (had three colds in past two months!!!) or meningitis now that I've went on google and am scared :(. i ate regularly all day but these symptoms are annoying and it truly feels like I'm heading towards doom. I'm so scared i have cancer and I'm so scared to get blood tests. i just need some support rn :( I'm so scared i got sick again after getting over a virus. its scary.

Chris 614
04-01-18, 04:14
I seem to remember that a sore throat with a sore neck could be symptoms of strep throat. Not deadly! Or, it could be a sinus thing. Or a head cold. All NON deadly things. If your throat is that bad then get it checked out. I've had a head cold/sinus thing for over four weeks. Things just seem to be that way. Don't over think this though. Also, the sore neck after waking up could just mean you slept in a bad position. Try to calm down. You're going to be okay.