View Full Version : Anxiety back pain

04-01-18, 11:44
For a while now ive had a lingering pain im my upper left back where my shoulder blade is.it comes and goes and had it over 12 months.worried sick it was my heart but went for tests and an x-ray and came back clear.still not convinced though.anyone else have similar thing

04-01-18, 15:46
Hi I've had a pain in the same place for the last 3 weeks but is constant. I've had a bad chest infection and flu. The Drs have said not to worry as this is normal but it's hard not to worry or Google when something is taking so long to get better. If you gave had tests and X-rays I would assume that they will rule out any major causes for concern. If you are worried could you go back to your gp?

04-01-18, 22:50
i have had the same upper back pain for years now, afraid that its my heart, even convinced myself i had a thoracic aneurysm. not fun at all. however got over it and accepted the obvious that i have poor posture and have had for years. also could be a stomach issue to, one never knows untill they get checked out with their doc.

25-01-18, 03:55
I have this, I also have HIDIOUS posture, lol. I sleep on my right side too, so I started making sure that my left arm is the same height as the rest of my body instead of just sloping down as I hug my body pillow. It helps. I couldn’t get comfortable last night though so I’m feeling it today. Ask someone to rub the area for you, put some BioFreeze, Bengay, or IcyHot on it, and when you go to sleep keep it level with the rest of your body if you’re a right side sleeper (sleeping on my left side makes the shoulder pain worse-it’s squished.) Take some deep breathes in your nose and out like you’re cooling off hot tea or coffee. You can beat this!