View Full Version : I sweat in my sleep

05-12-04, 11:38

Whenever I'm asleep, I sweat. I don't sweat if I just lie there in my bed without getting sleep, but when I fall asleep the sweating begins. Sometimes when I wake up the sweating has already dried, but if I wake up from sleep suddenly, I find that I'm really sweaty.

I've read that this can be a symptom of some big disease, and this horrifies me. I have had my brain scanned and been to blood tests and some other tests because I get panic attacks, I have constant depersonalisation which worsens every now and then and stays worse, and agoraphobia, and I feel like there's not enough blood in my brain or something...my depersonalisation started in 2000 and other problems in 2001. I haven't mentioned the sweating to doctors but I have my other

I am on an SSRI, Cipralex currently.

I worry even more than I used to now that my 17 year old sister committed suicide Saturday last week.

05-12-04, 12:01
hello Kroko,

I am SO sorry to hear about your sister. I can only imagine how horrible that must be for you and your family.
Sweating in your sleep is a sypmtom of anxiety that some people do get. I used to get it as well quite often. I am on Cipralex, too, and since I havew felt better, the sweating has stopped. Hopefully, it will be the same for you.
Take care.

Sarah :D

05-12-04, 12:12
OMG im so sorry to hear about that tradgedy!!!!!!!! i hope your ok!!!!!

my brother sweats when he sleeps, you could be hot or something

your coping really well at the moment, i praise you for that

Scooter Girl


05-12-04, 12:20
Thank you both,

I had this sweating in my sleep even when I felt better, I was on an SSRI back then too, though.

I sleep in fairly cool temperature, and like I said I only sweat when I sleep, not when I'm still awake trying to get sleep.

05-12-04, 13:26
So sorry to hear about your sister. I hope you and family are ok? Must be a terrible time for you all.

I sweat in the night to the extent that my hair gets so wet the pillow is wet in the morning. I wake up and it feels as though someone has washed my hair in the night cos it is so wet.

I put it down to me being overweight to be honest as I seem to sweat more when I am overweight.

I sleep with just a sheet sometimes even in the winter, or you could open a window just a little bit.

Don't worry about it - it is normal.


05-12-04, 13:56
Hi Kroko

I'm really sorry to hear about your sister. It is an awful tragedy for you and your family to have to go through.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

05-12-04, 14:25
I'm worried that I only sweat when I'm asleep, though...today I was lying in bed at noon, dry and all, then I fell asleep for about a half an hour...and woke up sweaty!

Yes, the whole family is having a hard time. My sister OD'd on her drugs, she took about 80 pills at once. I'm worried I'll lose more people, or I'll die too, either of a disease or by suicide like she did. I've been on SSRIs since 2001 when my panic attacks and anxiety started and I'm also afraid that being on the drug now will prove disastrous later if and when I try to cope without medication because the mental problems pile up. If I don't die before that, that is.

I should note that I want to live. I hope I don't feel that way only because of the medication...

05-12-04, 15:55
hi, welcome to the site and i am realy sorry to hear of your loss that must realy add to your anxiety. I always sweat in my sleep at night and have done for many years even when my anxiety and nerves are ok, I often wake really soaced and have to change my pilleow then get real cold as the wet dries, so i do think sweating is anxiety related. Hope u find the support you need on this site and take care Vernon

05-12-04, 18:28
Try this link ...

and this one ..


Hope they help a bit.


05-12-04, 20:29
Thanks Nicola...

Those pages say nothing about sweating only when you're asleep, though. I can lie in bed all night without a drop of sweat, but falling asleep triggers the Niagara falls effect. This worries me especially.

05-12-04, 20:44

They were both about night sweats in particular. That is what I looked up for you.

Sorry they didn't help.


05-12-04, 21:13
So sorry to hear about your sister, things obviously aren't easy for you and your family right now. My prays are with you.

I felt however I had to reply in an attempt to maybe lessen your owrry about your night sweats.

I too have them and have had them for many years. I have had countless medical examinations - not looking for the cause of the sweats - for other things and I am sure these tests would have picked up any major malfunction of my body. They found nothing other than what they were looking for.

I sleep with the window open every night, I do not sweat any other time as I do when I am asleep. I wear thin nightwear and everything else they say to do and still I can wake up soaking wet, hair stuck to my head, pools of sweat on my chest and soaking bedsheets and nightwear. This started for me long before I was taking any medication for my anxiety, doctors said the medication was the cause and have not been interested really in finding a reason behind it.

I am too young for the menopause, have no serious illness but I do sweat in the night when asleep and at no other time like you do. I find that rehydrating myself throughout the day with regular drinks of water help relieve the lethargy that sweating excessively brings. Please don;t worry to much I am sure that their are other people who sweat for no cause too, it can't just be us two.

If I can do it for years and still be here then so shall you be.

05-12-04, 21:23
Thanks aytonangel for that.

I am the same as you but never let it worry me - it can't kill me cos I get hot at night can it.

A very reassuring post so thanks.


05-12-04, 21:32
Thank you so much aytonangel and Nicola. :) I'm always very relieved when someone decreases one of my worries with their own experience, because I have a lot of worries but doctors haven't found the horrible diseases I constantly worry about. I do have osteoporosis though, this was diagnosed when I was 10, when I first saw doctors about backpain they said it was just growing pains, I believe this might be one reason I'm not convinced when a doctor tells me I'm absolutely fine. The other big reason being that I'm pretty neurotic I guess...

I apologise in advance because unless you ban me, I'll most likely start more threads about my worries in the foreseeable future.

05-12-04, 21:45
Kroko ,

Noone gets banned from here for talking about their issues.

Have you had a dexa scan to diagnose osteoporosis ?? What treatment have you had for this ?

Night sweats are more common that we think... Its thought to be down to compensating for the quick changes in our internal temperature when we drop to beta/theta.


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

05-12-04, 21:50

I have never banned anyone from here so please don't think that atall. We are all here to support each other ok?

You will find answers so keep reading.


05-12-04, 22:10
Meg, I've never heard the term dexa scan before, but that must be it. I've had that done about once a year ever since the first one. They determine my bones' density with a funny machine that I lie under. I think the machine is equipped with laser. Or x-rays. I just lie there, they target the machine at a couple of key spots and I'm out in maybe ten-twenty minutes.

So far my only treatment have been calcium supplements. Early this year I was put on Fosamax, but my panic et al increased drastically after two weeks (with one tablet per week).

Thank you Nicola.

05-12-04, 22:22
Did you have extra magnesium as well ?

Having just calcium is not good for panic - can make it worse.

Why did you get osteoporosis that young - Have you been on steroids ?


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

06-12-04, 11:36
I haven't taken extra magnesium.

I may have had osteoporosis for longer than that, I may even have had it since birth. I've never been on steroids or anything like that. Why I have osteoporosis is a good question that has puzzled doctors for over ten years. I really have no idea, and neither do they.

Because I have or at least had anemia for a while they recently took a blood test to determine if I might have celiac disease, which would have explained at least my anemia and osteoporosis. The result indicated that I might have it so I had a biopsy done. They inserted this tube into my mouth and all the way down to my stomach from where they took a sample. It turned out negative for celiac disease.

06-12-04, 12:32
Don't know whether you could call this conincidence of whether it could be part of the sweating thing.

But I too have back problems - my lower disc in my spine has completely disintigrated and I also have early onset of arthritis. I only discovered this for sure about six weeks ago. But I have had mild back pain which accumulated to chronic pain for nigh on 13 years now.

I know degenration of the spine is not an uncommon problem - however it is in someone of 37 yrs. (My age - I whispered that by the way)

I wonder if our body suffers from pain in our sleep which results in the sweating, we wake up and move and that some how alleviate the pain therefore causing the sweating to stop.

Just a thought you never know - see you aren't the only one here Kroko who thinks too long a deep LOL :D