View Full Version : Off Citalopram

04-01-18, 12:25

I became pretty rubbish about taking my 20mg of Citalopram over the last few months. Saw my doctor late last year and she said I should drop to 10mg and wean myself off as I was being irregular so switched my next prescription to this, however... I haven't taken a dose for about a week now and wondering if I should press forward and go clean or if I should start up again and do it slowly?

Mentally I have been ok. I have been getting short bursts of being lightheaded and my skin is driving me mad with itchiness.


04-01-18, 13:56
I know the feeling. Have felt like crap physically since being on 20 mg cit for the past 2 months. Weened myself down to only 5mg now in about a week and i feel fine.
If you feel ok and dont really have many side effects that aren't unbearable, personally I would just stay off of them. Not sure what others will think.

04-01-18, 23:16
Scratchy - it sounds like your withdrawals are mild so you could go clean now. :)

05-01-18, 01:54
Just over 7 days and it's likely out of your system anyway. But obviously that's the drug and what it is doing. There are longer term effects to SSRI's i.e. down regulation, so that will likely still be reversing itself but if you feel good, that's the best guide there is!

I found the lightheadness went after about 10-15 days when I went 10-0mg. Hang in there and see how it goes.