View Full Version : Silent reflux and lymph nodes

04-01-18, 14:00
While I do have the first one - silent reflux - and have had it for years, my throat is sore from August and several ENT's couldn't give me any relief. Only relief I found was a diet - I was on one for 3 weeks and my symptoms subsided. Then I had an endoscopy which showed that my stomach is fine so I started eating bad things again and my pain turned back. However silent reflux is a problem with throat muscle LES, not stomach so I guess I have to go back to my diet.

But my throat is red on the left side and is burning. I also have lymph nodes on the left side of my neck slightly swollen (not enlarged per se, because they are no more than 1 cm, and doctor said to leave them alone).

But now I am scared that they might be connected to the throat problem and indicate something sinister instead of my silent reflux. I think I am headed back to my ENT. Last time she checked (2 months ago) she said I didn't have a throat cancer. But I didn't have those swollen lymphs back then. I also have nose congestion more on the left side and post nasal drip.

My other symptoms are subsiding, cough from bronchitis is getting better and I hardly cough at all. Also as I have let go the fear of lymphoma or leukemia I don't check myself for night sweats or itching. While I monitored myself for itching I sometimes felt it, but no more. I do feel fatigue but I am pregnant and it only started then. No weight loss, in fact, I've gained 3 kgs in last 3 months (and I am only 6 weeks pregnant).

I feel like I am losing my mind. But the throat does hurt and is very red on one side particularly. But then again I've had my sore throat on and off for years, like 4 years, at least. It's just it is the longest I've had it, better then worse, then better again, and then worse again. It's good that I can see the correlation with what i eat.

04-01-18, 18:58
Have you tried raising your bed head (books or wood 6 - 8 inches)? Also, avoid eating within 4 hours of going to bed and taking some Gaviscon before you sleep (UK type can definitely be taken regularly but not sure about the USA one. Gaviscon Advance is good). Avoid coffee and tea, which you're probably doing anyway at the moment. I'm not sure about drinking alkaline water when pregnant but usually gurgling with it can be quite good. Many people, like Fishmanpa and his wife, have had success with the Fodmap diet. I find certain foods like too much tomato and coffee can trigger my silent reflux. Also, try not to bend down to pick thing up just after eating.

Pregnancy can also make reflux worse, even in the early stages before bump. This is because the hormone relaxin (and other hormones) loosen everything up.

You mention the sore throat on one side. Do you predominately sleep on that side? It would make sense that the reflux would concentrate in that side and not the other. I used to find that my ear and nose would block up on the side I slept on. Acid reflux can affect these tubes as well. I actually found that a nasal spray (you can get a saline type on in pregnancy) good for helping alleviate the post nasal drip which is common with acid reflux sufferers. I used to spray at night before sleeping and the morning.

Good luck and congratulations about the pregnancy!

05-01-18, 15:01
I went to an ENT and he looked at me and said that he thinks I have a virus going on. Because he diagnosed me with rhinosinusitis, pharyngitis and lymphadenitis. He said my lymph nodes were reactive but how would he know if no ultrasound was performed? I also don't think I can trust him just yet because all my blood work was ok and even CRP was only 0.1 indicating that no inflammation is going on in my body. Can a virus be going on and no changes in my blood? Like no elevated leykocites, normal lymphocytes, normal platelets, all normal. He said that sure it can. I don't think I trust him. I will go to another ENT next week. Thankfully i have a good insurance.
He prescribed me nasal spray and oily spray for my throat and chewing tablets for burning if it is indeed caused by my reflux.

I asked him if I had cancer. He said he can assure me 100% that it isn't cancer because cancer does not present like this. I think I will hold on to that.

He also ordered my GP to monitor my blood work and CRP. I wonder what is that for if he does not think I might have something sinister.

I also booked an appointment with a psychiatrist next week. Maybe she can help me. I hope that there are antidepressants that can safely be used in pregnancy because I honestly can't take it anymore.

I also might develop some sort of OCD. Since 4 people in my country had caught rubeola, i am not sure if i am immune to it. I bought a hand desinfector and have used it already many times. First time in the store where I bought it.

Today I also tested for toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, rubella, Epstein Barr, because all these can mess with lymphnodes too. Since my husband also has a raised node in the same place I do, i wonder if it could really be some nasty virus. I hope not toxoplasmosis, CMV or rubella as those are harmful for the baby. I've had Epstein Barr before so maybe it has reactivated. I wouldn't mind as it does not do anything to pregnancy and then I would have peace of mind.