View Full Version : Worries about [specifically, white hair in] a mole...

04-01-18, 14:29
So for context: I have this mole that I've been quite concerned about for like 8 months now - it's one that's always been there, but I'd started feeling it ache, and it has a weird dip in the middle so I went to get it checked. The doctor said it seemed to have a wart growing through it, and it wasn't urgent, but she recommended an appointment to get it scraped off.

It's on the bottom-side of my jaw, on a major neck artery (which makes me panic more), so I've been insanely nervous, and been putting off getting it done, though the procedure would only scrape it off the surface... I've never had a mole removal procedure of any sort before too, so it's kinda nerve-wracking regardless.

But 2 days ago, I was obsessively feeling it again, and checking it in the mirror, but I noticed that it had white hairs growing out of it, and I panicked. I wasn't sure if it'd had white hair in it before, I honestly couldn't remember if I'd specifically checked the hair colour, but it seems really concerning to me, so I was wondering if anyone else has benign moles with white hairs...

I'm even hoping it's caused by the supposed wart, but I can't make a doctor's appointment until at least the end of the month, so I'm really worried it's going to get worse or something...

I also swear that I have new moles appearing around it... Does skin cancer spread like that...?

I avoid going outside, and I always sorta hang out in room where the blinds are always closed, so I'm really hoping I DON'T have skin cancer 'cause I actively try and avoid the chance of it, but I'm worried that all the outside play I did as a child might've started developing skin cancers or something...

Thanks if you read my rambling, and I hope there's some reassurance available, ahaha...

04-01-18, 14:47
Are you a witch? :winks:

J/K of course but I say that because of the stereotypical witch wart on the nose or chin with hair growing out of it. I have a birth mark on my arm that's hairier than bigfoot... been there all my life. no biggie :)

Positive thoughts