View Full Version : I have brain worries too, ahaha...

04-01-18, 14:59
Might as well seek reassurance about this while I'm on the forum at the moment...

I get very odd headaches almost every day, where it's a sharp 2-3 second pain in certain spots on my head. Which definitely makes me panic about some brain-related issue. It's usually on my left side, from the top, down towards my ear. But the headaches occur in a single small spot, maybe the size of a fingernail. In fact, I don't even know if I can call them proper 'headaches' 'cause they're come in such short bursts that can be far between each other, it's so bizarre. Sometimes I do get them on other spots in my head, but it's mostly concentrated on the top-left section above my ear. They freak me out every time.

Today I had an extra sharp feeling in a very common spot there, where it felt like my hair was being tugged. It felt more outside than inside though, I think... But because it was in the same spot as a lot of the other sharp headaches I get, I had a panic. Been getting a cold sensation in that spot too.

But I've been feeling dizzier lately, and have felt like... weak in the hands? Is the only way I can think to describe it. Like, when I pick up a cup or mug to take a drink, I feel like I'll drop it - it's been like this for months, and I never have, but I always just feel like I'll drop something slightly heavy like that. I've also been noticing slight shakiness in my hands, and I don't know if it's just a normal shakiness that I keep overthinking, or if it's abnormal... I still type/write/actually do stuff just fine, so I feel like I'm just becoming really conscious of things like this, yet still worrying about them.

I'm sometimes feel off-balance too, and I haven't fallen over yet, but I keep worrying that all these symptoms are getting worse.

I'm hoping it's just some sort of vitamin deficiency or constant dehydration, but I'm worried about asking the doctor 'cause one of the first things I asked for was a referral to a therapist for my severe hypochondria, and I don't want to sound stupid, ahaha...

08-01-18, 19:22

All of the symptoms you describe are of anxiety. I'm not sure if the generalised spots are but I've had the exact same and I'm here to tell the tale. My husband and I were driving somewhere after a very stressful week (a family member died and we were putting our house up for sale too) and I got a sharp pain in the back of my head, a very small spot and when I put my hand up to touch It, I felt a small lump as if someone had pulled my hair and it was sore. I instantly was filled with dread and nearly crashed the car on the motorway my husband was shouting what the hell are you doing?? In my head it was a brain tumour but why would a brain tumour be poking out of my skull? It's just not rational. I also have varying degrees of feeling weak with my hands and arms especially when i wake along with a hundred other anxiety symptoms. What you're describing sounds exactly what I have learned about in CBT. Have you ever thought of therapy? It definitely helps to rationalise the crazy thoughts we get! Hope you're feeling better soon x