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View Full Version : Not sure what this is

04-01-18, 17:33
Okay so I have this "pain" in my chest. It's directly under my right breast. It doesn't hurt when I cough or anything but I feel it on and off throughout the day.

It's not a stabbing pain either, more like a dull pain. Almost what you would feel with a muscle ache. I do realize that is where your pectorals are located but this has been going on for over a week.

Do muscle pains stick around that long or could it be something else?

04-01-18, 17:46
If you tweak a muscle, the pains can definitely last for a week or longer. That's probably all it is, if you have no other symptoms. Maybe if you still have it in a couple of weeks you could check with your doctor.

Or, if it's tender when you press it, it could also be inflammation of the cartilage. Which is also normal and benign and will go away by itself.

04-01-18, 17:49
Yeah that's the only thing that's bothering me, other than that I feel fine. I'll probably just try to ride it out a little longer and take it to my GP if it doesn't ease up

04-01-18, 19:01
Acid reflux? Have you tried Gaviscon?

04-01-18, 19:19
Acid reflux? Have you tried Gaviscon?

That's what I thought or maybe inflammation, especially after indulging over the festive period.

04-01-18, 23:09
Muscle pain can most deff persist for a week and sometimes even longer.

05-01-18, 00:35
I haven't thought about acid reflux, I've never had it. I thought that usually had to do with heart burn. The pain isn't under my breast like further down my abdomen. It's like DIRECTLY under my actual breast, not below it.