View Full Version : Anyone else work with ceramics/clay?

04-01-18, 21:26
Hey everyone,

I have had a few health worries at the moment and contributed my occasional tightness of chest and breathing worries (these aren't that severe) to my anxiety but after speaking to one of my tutors at college she told me about this lung disease called "pneumonoconiosis" which is caused through inhalation of clay dust over a long period of time. I use clay a lot and our college has strict policies on cleaning up clay dust so we do not inhale it and I have followed all these precautions as has everyone else. However on a recent occasion I swept some of the dust and saw the particles fly into the air, so I'm more than sure that I inhaled it. I was with other people at the time so surely they must've as well. Now I'm thinking the dust has settled into my lungs and I'm going to be really ill. I am trying to reason with myself that it was a one off occasion and no one (including the tutor) said anything about it. :huh:

I just wondered if any one else works with clay and has swiped clay dust before and been okay?

Peace and love

05-01-18, 00:47
When I was in college around 9 years ago we worked with clay as part of our graded unit. We spent a fair bit of time with it and I imagine we inhaled a lot of it. Some of the people in my class wore those kind of face masks you use when sanding. I think they all had asthma though.

Anyway point being, we were in that room every day for 6 months and as far as I know none of us ended up with lung problems. I imagine its one of those conditions that occurs from daily inhalation of it for a great many years.

Thinking about it, it reminds me of history class. Coal miners used to end up with a disease called coal spit or something from working in mines for decades.

You'll be fine! Promise!


I was right however the disease was known as black lung worldwide, coal spit was a scottish term.

The condition had a 5% chance of occuring after 25 years in the mines. So there you go! I think you'll survive a bit of clay dust!

05-01-18, 01:28
Well I'm from the potteries so historically we've done a fair bit with the stuff over the years! And guess how rare it is to hear of something about breathing difficulties in my city when so many of the local population were involved in the pottery industry for centuries? Rare in modern times, more likely in the places my grandparents generation worked!

Like you said, long term exposure. And taking the required H&S precautions means you aren't being exposed.