View Full Version : Chesty cough and breathing problems

05-01-18, 08:56
Is it normal to feel like you can’t get a deep breath in when you’re chesty?
I’m breathing through my mouth and trying to get a good breath but it feels like I can’t manage it, I’ve had a cough for a while now and I’ve been coughing stuff up with it too. Starting to get worried

05-01-18, 08:59
Completely normal, although worth getting checked out by your GP.

When you struggle to get a breath and then try harder to take a deep breath with your mouth you're actually hyperventilating a bit.

Try (counter intuitively) not trying to take a deep breath and breathing through your nose, breath normally. It'll re-balance the O2/CO2 levels in your blood.

05-01-18, 10:18
Hey, When I had my bad flu every time I took a deep breath I could feel it in my chest and throat it would make me cough hard I started to bring up yellow mucus.

I had it looked at by my GP and told me it was a viral infection brought on by whats going about. But if you are worried a trip to your GP will help clear your head they might give you some antibiotics to help.