View Full Version : Freaking out and I cannot calm down

05-01-18, 09:21
I'm completely freaking out
First off I have a horrid phobia with throwing up all rational goes out the window
Secondly I have awful medical anxiety and just got prescribed antibiotics...

I got a uti around a week ago my test originally came back negative due to no bacteria but tested positive for WBC so I waited to take antibiotics until my culture came back because (I wasn't in a mass amount of pain like some utis I've had and the doctor didn't seem too concerned I thought maybe it was just inflammation I've had that before) and tested positive for staphylococcus bacteria which I guess makes up for 20% of utis 2nd most common anyways that sent me into a fit because all I can think of is mrsa and how I'm going to die even though they aren't the same thing I can't not think about how I could die
Then there's the antibiotics which send me into a total fit, I'm not familiar with the antibiotics nitrofurtoin(macrobid) and I'm a pillaphob. I have convinced myself that I will throw up and the antibiotic won't work but once my culture came back I know I need it now. Like a dummy dr google will see you now and reading reviews on the drug is messing me up and how utis can kill you so I've been obsessing over it the last few days so here I am 4am I'm dry heeving and having hot flashes can't eat, panic attacks one after the other.
typing this because I'm driving my husband bonkers because he doesn't know what to do for me I don't even know what to do for myself I managed to eat some cream of wheat I plan on taking my first pill around 10 am I have to take 2 a day for the next five days
1.im terrified it won't work and the uti will stay and I will need more extensive care ( I don't believe the infection has even made it to my bladder no fever just mild pain)
But then I'm scared if it's already kidneys but from people I've talked to I'd be in a heap of pain it just feels like constantly need to pee it's super annoying
2. Taking the goddamn pill and actually doing it because I'm convinced I'll throw up I have anti nausea meds and will be taking with food but still terrified
3. Scared of this type of uti
4. I feel defeated and pathetic because I'm a rational person and I know how silly this all is but I can't stop.
5. I'm scared I'm going to die
6. Trying to get my stomach under control so I can even take the damn thing I know I'll throw up if I take it now I hardly have anything in my stomach and I'm already not feeling awesome because of my nerves
7. But then I think my nausea is from my uti but I've never had that and it's mostly my upper stomach
I'm just a complete mess right now
I know I need to take the antibiotic so there's no question I just need my stomach to really chill out.
I just needed to type this out and read how ridiculous I sound
To sum it up
I'm scared to die
And throw up hopefully both won't be happening but god my nerves and brain sure think I am

05-01-18, 21:50
Take your first pill and report what happens

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-01-18, 22:03

hey, it's fine. You're fine. And again. Still fine. You've been okay all the time you were typing and reading these replies.

You're still fine.

Look what you said in point 4. Repeat that to yourself. You KNOW this isn't how you really mean to be. You will find a way through.


06-01-18, 14:22
Antibiotics are fine! Otherwise why would the doctor give you them?! I have been prescribed propranolol.. For my anxiety and it freaks me out. But i took it.