View Full Version : HELP! Please Chronic Pancreatitis.???

05-01-18, 09:40
60 year old male and have suffered with health anxiety for 25+ years.
Had stomach pains now for 18 months on left side upper and had bad anxiety and depression for many years and been a heavy drinker but now stopped 12 months ago and don't smoke
I have had in the last 12 months

Ultra sound abdominal
2 x CT abdominal with contrast
Numerous Blood tests

Everything has come back normal so far besides fatty liver and diverticular disease of bowel but not bad.
I have been told it is Chronic pancreatitis from drinking that is the cause of the pain,but they are still not 100% sure.
I feel so desperate that i am having trouble typing this..i don't want the days to start i am having hot/cold sweats feel sick,feel as if my bones have been taken out of my body,disorientated,tired,crying all time,very very very low...feels like my insides are crying and my skeleton has been taken out of my body..i cant see any future and am on so many meds i could start a pharmacy...pain is the worst because even Zomorph or DHCodeine won't touch it..has anyone else on here felt the same or have chronic pancreatitis..
Please i am desperate:weep::weep::weep::weep:

05-01-18, 10:44
Hi. Sorry you're feeling so bad. I'm thinking that you might get more useful practical advice and info on a pancreatitis board, particularly about things like symptom management. Here you'll find a lot of people scared of pancreatitis who don't have it. That said, I am living with cirrhosis due to alcoholism and I suffer from health anxiety as well, so it depends what kind of advice you're looking for really. Do you have a history of health anxiety?

Have they referred you for further tests? It can be a lengthy process getting a definitive diagnosis which is hugely stressful I know.

05-01-18, 13:08
yes I have suffered with health anxiety for the past 25 years and have seen many many Psychiatrists etc but never really got fixed..thats why I carried on drinking to block it out..
I feel like my body is full of demons and just feel like i am dying

05-01-18, 21:06
Huh? You have had all sorts of tests and "you are being told" that you probably have chronic pancreatitis? By whom? Who are these that told you that? Not doctors I hope? I mean with all sorts of tests and nothing whatsoever in these tests are indicating it. Did you get that from some health board? Whos says that you probably has it and why?

07-01-18, 13:09
The gastroenterologist that did the endoscopy was a surgeon and he was the one that came to that conclusion but one of the docs i have seen doesn't agree...I am in constant chronic pain which isn't touched by pain meds...even morphine tablets.