View Full Version : Aortic Aneurysm/Regurtation ?

05-01-18, 16:57
Hello everyone, i'm a 19 years old med student.
I always had worries about my health and becoming a med student made it worse actually.
I realized 3 months ago i was shaking by my heartbeat slightly when i am resting and didn't think of it much. But later on i was just playing a video game and got excited, then realized my vessels were pulsating so hard that they could pop and that's when i became worried about this. I made a research on my cardiology book and "googled" my problem. I am 191cms tall and 81 kgs so im the typical tall thin guy. I saw that my issue was looking like aortic regurtation, i had a strong pulse on my carotids and subclavian artreries, my heart had a strong apex pulse and when i lay to my left side and touch my ribs slightly i can actually feel my heart in my hands going out and in it was scary, and on top of that like a week ago my stomach started pulsating i don't if it was there and i noticed it because i was so aware of my body or something bad happened. Oh and my heartbeat rate is about 60-65 bpm resting and my bp is 130/80ish. I am so scared that i can't talk about this to my friends or anyone i think im gonna go mad. When i lay down i can feel my body shake and if i put something on my chest it vibrates with my heartbeat. Any of you got something like this? I know i should go see a cardiologist but i have my finals now, im bussy and very stressed. Sorry for taking your time with such a long post. Have a nice day. Love from Turkey.

05-01-18, 17:03
We are living sentient beings. Our chest rises and falls with each breath. Blood is coursing through our veins and arteries. What you're feeling are perfectly natural aspects of being alive and breathing ;) You're just hyper-focusing and creating something out of nothing. At 19, unless you have some congenital defect (which would have been known by now), there's nothing wrong. besides, finals or not, if you were really in distress, you would be seeing a doctor.

Good luck on the exams!

Positive thoughts

05-01-18, 21:00
We are living sentient beings. Our chest rises and falls with each breath. Blood is coursing through our veins and arteries. What you're feeling are perfectly natural aspects of being alive and breathing ;) You're just hyper-focusing and creating something out of nothing. At 19, unless you have some congenital defect (which would have been known by now), there's nothing wrong. besides, finals or not, if you were really in distress, you would be seeing a doctor.

Good luck on the exams!

Positive thoughts

First sorry for not posting this on heart palpitations section i didn't know it was a thing.
You are right i had an eco 3 years ago and everything was fine. The only reason i can think of is rheomatic fever which i should have noticed if i had it and Marfan's syndrome which affects aorta in general and some other parts of the body like spine, and it is seen in tall and thin people. Well 1/5000 of the population has this i know it's very unlikely but i can't help but think i might have it. Anyway i'm gonna visit a doctor asap thanks for the answer.

06-01-18, 00:42
I get the same sensation you describe and I too years ago was worried about the very same thing...

Never google your symptoms