View Full Version : Week 5 on citalopram, not feeling any better

05-01-18, 17:27
It's 5 weeks today since I started on it for anxiety. The first two weeks were hell, I rallied a bit and have nosedived since week 3. I'm feeling almost permanently nauseous and feeling like I'm.going to gag. Being sick is my number one anxiety so you can imagine...it's hell. I have lost all motivation and once the kids are at school I just crawl into bed and stay there until it's time to.pick them.up. I woke up having a panic attack this morning. It was horrible. I can't help but feel.i was better off the tablets than on. I feel trapped in a cycle of anxiety hell

05-01-18, 19:23
Def feel your pain. Some of us do not feel the benefits of cit/celexa until 2-3 months. So you're still in the early stages.
I felt a difference in my mood and anxiety around week 5.
This was my second go around with citalopram and I did not know its harder to start again on it after you were already on it the first time.
I lasted till 8 weeks, and decided to come off of it. The side effects I was having while on it outweighed the emotional benefit and the side effects weren't going away. I was only on 20mg now only on 5mg and will be completely off tomorrow.
It should be a judgement call between you and your doctor. I would personally say try and stick it out for 8 weeks then reevaluate. If the side effects are truly that unbearable discuss other option with your doctor.:D:D

05-01-18, 22:44
Thank you for your sound advice. Just coming on here sometimes helps me through the rough times. I think I will ask for.some more diazepam in the meantime and some stronger anti sickness tablets. I want to ride it out, I have confidence in them but just can't stand the feelings in the meantime. That's why I'm.on them in the first place!

06-01-18, 08:26
Sorry to hear you're still encountering nasty side effects. Perhaps you should talk to your doctor about trying a different SSRI as Citalopram might not be the right med for your chemical makeup. :(

07-01-18, 07:36
I've told the Dr but he wants me to continue until we 6 then see. If this doesn't work I don't think I'll try another one. It's been the worst 5 weeks of my life, I think I'm better off without it

07-01-18, 20:15
I’m on week 5 too and just like you I had a hell of a time in the first few weeks! It actually made me more anxious than I’ve ever been with numerous panic attacks a day for weeks. But I can safely say that now the panic attacks have stopped and I’m feeling a lot less anxious. Im also taking propranolol which helps too


I still don’t feel any improvement in my mood. I’m just so unmotivated and uninterested especially in the things I used to enjoy in life. It’s like the spark has gone... I know people say it can take a good while for this medication to help but I’m losing hope! All I want is to feel excited about life again.

07-01-18, 22:11
Sorry you're struggling.

It does take some time to adjust to them. They are powerful drugs. But they can really make all the difference. I think it took me 8 weeks to feel positive effects from citalopram. I went up doses until the effect was good enough.

Hang on in there. These are trying times, but you will get through them. If resting is what you need, so be it. I hope you manage to be as kind to yourself as possible, whatever that looks like. Good luck.

08-01-18, 16:19
Thanks guys. It's just so hard toughing it out when I am feeling even worse �� like now, my throat is so tight and constricted I feel like I can't even talk without gagging and I feel nauseous with it. I have two kids who must be wondering where their silent mum has gone

09-01-18, 23:02
How are you getting along today?
This will pass, it's going to get better :)