View Full Version : nausea everyday, relayed to stomach maybe

05-01-18, 18:06
hello all any advice will be great
for around a month now i have been feeling sick on and of everyday, i am never sick and i am still eating. just feel it in the back of my throat and my stomach is tender and the sickness feeling is worse when there is pressure on my stomach. i did have a bug a while back and i know i havent cleared all the mucus that it caused so it could be that aswell. the doctor gave me omzeprozle as it could be related to stomach acid and also anti sickness tablets which i have not yet tried.
has anyone else had anything like this

05-01-18, 19:11
It could be from stomach acid... Try the meds the doctor gave you for a couple weeks and see if it helps... The anti nausea pills should help with the nausea, give them a try. Honestly, nausea can be caused by so many different things even anxiety and stress. My mom has an ulcer and problems with to much stomach acid and gets that nausea feeling A LOT, esp if she eats something spicy, greasy, something with a lot of acid in it or a big meal. She tries to stay away from certain foods. Do you notice its worse after you eat certain things?

Follow the directions of your doctor as he/she really would know best. They dont always have all the answers but will get to the bottom of things by trying to figure out what could be causing your symptoms. Your doctor thinks it may have something to do with your stomach and so he/she gives you those meds to see if they will help. If they do help, great and he/she now knows what the problem is. If the meds dont work, then they know they have to check other causes but he/she cant know unless you follow through with the treatment plan.

Hope you get to feeling better soon.

05-01-18, 22:31
Yep, with acid reflux. The medication helped (Esomeprazole for the acid reflux plus an anti-nausea tablets for a while till the Esomeprazole started to work - it can take a few weeks). You could also try some Gaviscon as well. Plus, avoid eating 4 hours before bed, raising your bed head (6 - 8 inches: use books or wood), try to limit caffeine intake and avoid alcohol for a while (caffeine and alcohol relax the valve between the stomach and oesophegus allowing acid to travel up more easily). Also try to avoid certain typical trigger foods like tomatoes, spicy and fatty foods for a while till your stomach settles down. The mucus can also be caused by acid reflux as when the acid hits the oesophegus, mucus is produced by the throat to dilute it, it's known as waterbrash. If it is a post nasal drip type mucus, the doctor could prescribe a nasal spray. You should go to the doctor to see what he/she suggests to help whether it's post nasal drip or acid reflux.