View Full Version : need people to talk too

27-06-07, 15:48
Hi Guys,

Ever since sunday ive had a really bad stomach, diarrea, nauses, vomiting, was scared that it might be cancer or something, but doc says its an infection and to drink plenty of water.

But my mind is doing overtime thinking its something much worse then an infection, could be cancer or a tumour.

Dont understand.

Also i get really bad tension in the back of my eyes, and neck and sometimes i can even focus, and again i feel i might be dying.

My symptoms are

feeling of unreality

is this really anxiety

please people help me


27-06-07, 16:03
Hi There
All the things you have just desribed ARE probably anxiety, i sometimes get all those symptoms. Also you are having negative thoughts about your health which is another sign.

Go talk to your Dr about it, please don't suffer i have had anxiety for years, since i was 14 infact and i'm now 48. i have been treated for it now for the past 9 years but before that i suffered alone.

you will no doubt get lots of support here.

good luck :hugs:

27-06-07, 17:02
Hi Katy,

The thing with anxiety is it is like a vicious circle. Anxiety can cause symptoms without us even realising we are anxious, we then worry about the symptoms, which ineviteably makes the symptoms worse.

You say you have been feeling bad since Sunday? Can you remember anything specific that happened on Sunday that could possibly have made you feel bad? Or maybe not even just Sunday. Do have anything going on right now that is quite stressful i.e. job, family life etc?

I only knew I was suffering from anxiety as I went to the doctors due to physical symptoms that I had, to be more specific, I had bother with my stomach. I was doing the toilet more often, cramps etc. I was told it was IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). This is a very common complaint with anxiety. Generally our stomachs get a bashing with anxiety. I get IBS on and off, I get gastroentiritis (pain, nausea, etc) on and off. These are generally caused by stress and anxiety. I was told at first that it was a bug that I had, but it went on for so long that it was IBS etc.

Because you are obviously worrying and concentrating on your symptoms, you are making them worse, and picking up on things you wouldn't normally pick up on. If I think about any part of my body for long enough, I will think it's not normal and there is something wrong, but it's just because I would be concentrating on it.

All of the symptoms you have described are very common with anxiety, so please try not to worry. Instead of going to the doctors to get your physical symptoms looked at, ask for CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) with a psychologist. It helps.

I hope this helps, and pm me if you want any more info on anything I have mentioned. You are not alone, we have all felt scared like you do :hugs:

Take care,

Lou xxx