View Full Version : How do u deal with anxieties over a loved one when they are literally all u have?

05-01-18, 21:48
I believe my fear of my husband abs I aging and dying is the route of my HA. We are both 39. Married 16 years. Together 20. My first and only romantic relationship. We have no kids by choice. My father is dead. My mother and I are estranged. No siblings. I work as a special ed teCher and I love my job. I have work friends and I have some online friend but I prefer to just spend time with my husband and my 4 dogs. We truly are very happy. But in a way thTs the source of my agony. Without him I'd just die. He'd be ok because he's very anti social can go months without speaking to anyone but me. His mom had a heart attack st 64. He lost weight and exercises but whenever hear of a man in his 40s having a heart attack I want to throw up. One of our favorite activities is hong out to eat and we love trying indulgent foods we love on the big city. He eats heLthy most of the time and I cerrainly don't want to abandon our hobby. We lain old already over but when he has a cheeseburger I find myself worrying or worse nagging. I want to live in the moment but how

07-01-18, 20:29
I feel the same about my husband. We are around the same age as you (I’m 38, he is 39) and also have no kids (tried but had unexplained infertility). None of our family lives near us; closest is my brother about 3 hours away, but I’m not really close with him. I have a few friends, but none that I really feel I could lean on in a crisis. My husband’s parents both died of cancer in their early 60s, so I’m terrified he’ll get cancer too. Also, he is overweight, drinks too much alcohol, and never goes to the doctor. I know he thinks I’m a nag about the drinking but I don’t know what else I can do when he doesn’t value his own health. I get super nervous when he is away that he is going to get in a car accident or something like that. Everyone tells me that I’d be okay if the worst happened, that I’d learn to live without him. But, I just can’t envision that kind of life at all.

07-01-18, 21:01
I feel the same, in fact I posted about it last week.

My husband has a serious heart condition and this flu scare is terrifying me. I'm literally terrified to go over the door incase I bring it home.

08-01-18, 00:09
I think this is a fear for many of us. All we can do is pray that something doesn’t happen and try to live as healthy as possible. Unfortunately, living with anxiety is learning to live with the uncertainties in life.