View Full Version : Scared of my symptoms! New here.

05-01-18, 22:14
Hello! I'm new here, I'm 25 years old and a mom of two young kids.

About 2 months ago I went to the ER for fast heart rate (that didn't last) and sore arm. I was afraid I was having a heart attack, Dr said my heart was fine after EKG and heart x-ray. He told me I was having panic attacks. Flash forward and my family moves out of state and we have to stay with my in-laws with our two kids. Yeah, STRESSFUL. LOL. Financial stuff keeps pushing back our move out date and we're set to FINALLY move after about 3 months of living here. Well a couple weeks before Christmas I had a nightmare of a panic attack, doesnt even compare to the ones I initially thought was a heart attack. My body flushed, I felt like I was dying (doom feelings) and my heart was racing. Ended up waiting it out til I had another Christmas night. I went to the ER and was admitted after I had an attack on the machine and my heart went to 183 bpm, which I've read is not uncommon with these attacks. They did blood work, urine test (I had a UTI and they treated me for that) and I had a heart ultrasound. ER dr said he suspected SVT because of my heart randomly skyrocketing, cardiologist viewed my results and said he doubts it and my heart is fine.

Now, even after all that I continue to have symptoms. I really suspect my copper IUD is what started my body freaking out and have since had it removed and am part of a group for copper detox from that IUD where many women have the same symptoms. They say it can take a while to be "normal" again but I'm still having problems.

Here are my current symtpoms:
1. Shortness of breath at night that keeps me up and makes me think I'm going to have a heart attack. :( just started this week.
2. Achey body parts like neck, shoulder, arm. Mainly on the right side but sometimes the left. Also makes me think heart attack despite two drs saying my heart is fine! I keep thinking "What if they missed something?!" lol
3. Today I had random heart pain when I moved suddenly one way and it sent my heart rate up. I had that happen twice today, it felt like a sharp pain near my heart maybe 2-3 seconds then stops and doesn't return. Now I have an occasional ache on the right side.
4. Fast heart rate most days (115-120 bpm) that goes down to around 80-90 bpm when I calm down.
5. Sometimes I'll feel little hot spots on arms on legs, like under my skin. Its weird and goes away fast.

Does anyone else have these symptoms and can reassure me this is definitely anxiety? I feel that initial panic attack has me on edge freaking out about every little thing my body feels. :( How do I overcome this?

I've started taking zinc, b12, magnesium, holy basil for anxiety, and crystal vitamin c. All of these are supposed to help detox from copper, if the IUD was in fact my problem. Today I also added a iron supplement that says it does not cause constipation as regular iron may cause. I also cut sugar, caffeine, drink only water all day, cut fast food, and started juicing as I've read that alone has resolved many peoples anxiety. I know it may take a while for these things to help me, but waiting is awful.

Taking short walks with my kids also seems to greatly calm me down and I don't feel short of breath when walking, just at bedtime! Its crazy making! I feel mostly fine right now after taking our walk whereas before I was asking my husband to take me to the ER again. He keeps telling me I'm fine and we can't afford all these ER visits, but it's just hard when you feel like you're dying. Lol

Thank you so much for reading through all that! Forgive any typos! :)


05-01-18, 23:03
I use to have a lot of the symptoms you describe and most of them turned out to be anxiety. I do have 3 different heart arrhythmia's diagnosed when I was 20 years old and SVT happens to be one of them. I have had heart rates in the 280s before. SVT in a structurally normal heart is an inconvenience and at times scary but benign.

I am not a doctor but your symptoms are common with anxiety. Personally, I would get a second opinion with another cardiologist. You can have anxiety and can also have SVT. I am not telling you this because the SVT is going to hurt you but because there are ways to treat it should it turn out that you have it.

05-01-18, 23:14
None of us can tell you this is just anxiety, but we can tell you it COULD just be. But I agree with the poster above.

I've certainly had quite a few of those symptoms with anxiety. Oh, and :welcome: