View Full Version : Cancer worry

05-01-18, 22:34
Evening all.

I'm new here although i have read a lot of posts in the past to try and get to grips with my health anxieties. I'll give a quick background to my issues..ive had a few health anxiety issues since my dad passed away in 2012...i thought I had a hold of myself but then my mum passed away Jan last year with stomach cancer, her anniversary is coming up next week. For the past few weeks I've had a bad neck. Went to the drs and she put it down to posture. The last couple of weeks ive had pains/sensations in my armpits and breasts, I convinced myself its cancer even though during the day I can be logical and say to myself don't worry it's probably nothing when it comes to the evening I've worked myself up again. Tonight I'm sitting here again convinced something serious is going on and I'm going out of my mind with worry. I've tried not to bother the Dr as she said that stress can do a lot to the body when i originally went about my neck. I mentioned pain in breasts and she said it's probably hormonal and to give it a few weeks but now the pain is back in my armpits. I feel like im losing my mind. I know no one on here can say don't worry it's nothing but I just wondered if anyone else has experienced similar things?

05-01-18, 22:48
Oh Sweetheart, big hugs.

Yes, lots of us have experienced these things. Pains which we try not to worry about in case they're... and then they get more and more like the thing we dread.

What a sad year you've had. No wonder you are feeling dreadful. It's ever so common for anniversaries to trigger ill-health and anxiety. It doesn't sound as though you tend to 'bother the doctor' so maybe it would be good to go and talk to her and ask if you could be referred to IAPT or somewhere for counselling?

Another route for help is the Samaritans - if you call them (they are lovely) they might be able to refer you to appropriate charities who have people you could talk to about your specific situation. Grief is harsh, especially when you are alone with it. Much love to you.

05-01-18, 23:10
Just dropping a line here to send you :hugs: for all your going through.... Anxiety can convince us that our worst fears are coming true both physically and mentally.... Your doctor is likely right in that your pains in your breast and under arms are caused by something other then cancer. I also get them and like you I sometimes freak out thinking its something serious but I do notice it happens around my cycle.
If it doesn't go away and your still concerned, have your doctor take another look at you but I am sure you are and will be just fine.

05-01-18, 23:18
Thank you for your replies. I guess it just builds up, hits like a ton of bricks and then you feel like your spiralling out of control. Just had a good cry. The Dr gave me some self help websites to go to. 1 minute I feel like I need counselling and other times I feel I'm coping quite well. I really just want to be carefree and happy again but i guess all in good time. It does help talking about it so thank you so much for replying. I'm constantly saying I'll see how I am tomorrow and feel more in control then the evening comes and it starts all over again. Thanks again x