View Full Version : Burning sensation on anus short time after drinking alcohol?

06-01-18, 01:51
Basically what the title says... has anybody else ever experienced a burning sensation around their anus shortly after drinking alcohol? I'm talking within minutes after my first couple sips.

I've been drinking for years and this happens probably at least half the time... and it goes away after a few minutes and isn't really painful or anything. It also stays gone even when I keep drinking... it just burns for a few mins right after I start.

I thought it was normal until I mentioned it to the group of friends I was with and apparently it is not?? I also cant really find anything on google about it...

If anything I am anxious over this because nobody else seems to have any clue what I'm talking about! At least with this one I dont think I'm dying since its been happening for years..

06-01-18, 02:01
Another first on NMP!

Positive thoughts

06-01-18, 02:08
Another first on NMP!

Positive thoughts

Literallt cant find ANYTHING about it online... but I suspect its something that people would tend to avoid posting about :thinking: so hopefully at least SOMEONE here knows what I'm talking about

06-01-18, 02:15
I could see it if you were doing jalapeno shooters the night before but this? :shrug:

It's been happening for years and you're still here so I would just deal.... It really is amazing what worries some folks though :huh:

Positive thoughts

06-01-18, 02:28
FMP, I've noticed a dichotomy among HAers. Some worry about the symptom in and of itself, and others (like myself) worry only about what the symptom may mean. I couldn't give two hoots about a burning ass ;)

06-01-18, 02:34
Are you a Hollywood actor and did you fall asleep at any point during a party? :winks:

I'm pretty sure I've seen a thread about this before on here. :shrug:

Alcohol is supposed to impact on piles from what some have said on here, not that I noticed this with mine through my drinking days, so do you have any of those?

---------- Post added at 02:34 ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 ----------

FMP, I've noticed a dichotomy among HAers. Some worry about the symptom in and of itself, and others (like myself) worry only about what the symptom may mean. I couldn't give two hoots about a burning ass ;)

It's also quite typical of anxiety sufferers outside of HA. We may know it's anxiety but the symptoms are distressing. Obviously different to what you are talking about though.

I've always struggled more with symptoms than thoughts.

06-01-18, 02:39
Yeah, if I knew that a burning ass were a symptom of an awful neurodegenerative disease, it'd be another matter ...

06-01-18, 02:46
Yeah, if I knew that a burning ass were a symptom of an awful neurodegenerative disease, it'd be another matter ...

It was always a sign of a good night out to me...ooh, that might not sound how I meant it :blush::roflmao:

06-01-18, 02:49
Vincy...Serious question while we're at it.... Are there certain types of alcohol that do it? Whisky vs. vodka? Sour vs. Sweet? Just a wild guess but maybe it's a unconscious physio/mental reaction to a certain stimulus :shrug:

Positive thoughts

06-01-18, 02:52
It was always a sign of a good night out to me...ooh, that might not sound how I meant it :blush::roflmao:


---------- Post added at 18:52 ---------- Previous post was at 18:49 ----------

On a serious note, if I didn't know tongue quivering was associated with ALS, I wouldn't give a crap about it

06-01-18, 02:59

---------- Post added at 18:52 ---------- Previous post was at 18:49 ----------

On a serious note, if I didn't know tongue quivering was associated with ALS, I wouldn't give a crap about it

I think that's true of a lot of HAers, they notice something but it's when the reason it is on a list of symptoms about something that is scary to them (as opposed to just scary in general, like how you aren't triggered by other illnesses) and the panic starts. The cycle of obsessive negative thinking then starts reinforcing that fear and new core beliefs emerge.

Like a cured panic sufferer on here once said "until you knew cancer existed, you didn't fear it". How could you fear a bear if they don't exist where you live in ancient times? On another note...even bears get itchy bums :biggrin:

06-01-18, 03:34
My core beliefs are terrible :weep:

06-01-18, 04:17
You can change them, mel. They were built through learning and those same processes create new ones or amend existing ones. I did it with my compulsions as well as intrusive thoughts and back then I thought I was cursed to stay like that forever.

I still have plenty of problems and they feel very hard to change but I know the possibility exists because of those past experiences.

The subconscious doesn't know it's doing wrong so we can show it that things aren't important to us and it will mothball core beliefs or adjust back to more positive/neutral ones.

Like the old saying about the wolf you feed. It's damn hard work though!

My dad beat depression over 40 years ago and never had it back. No therapy, old meds only, no self help or Claire Weekes back then. Yet he told me I have to change how I look at things and I will gradually change with it and leave these problems behind. There is a lot of truth in that and plenty of science too.

06-01-18, 04:25
Thanks, Terry. It's true that I mostly give my thoughts free reign. They are totally the boss of me. Challenging them feels like a sort of denial, so I am very slave to them

06-01-18, 06:33
Ha melfish, I'm sure you remember I had the same fears! I still think about it a lot but I can still talk... so I'm pretty confident!

I guess my burning ass is probably no big deal... I'll just mention it at my next physical ��

06-01-18, 07:14
No but not to be gross or anything, years back when I use to drink and if I drank to much rum when I went uhhhhh :blush: number 2 it burned like acid was coming out but only and every time I drank to much rum...

weird :shrug:

06-01-18, 08:04
Tomatoes do this to me :wacko:

06-01-18, 17:20
Ha melfish, I'm sure you remember I had the same fears! I still think about it a lot but I can still talk... so I'm pretty confident!

I guess my burning ass is probably no big deal... I'll just mention it at my next physical ��

I remember, and was wondering how you were going. Thanks for the update. I'm at seven+ months :( The struggle is real

Your burning ass is probably just OOTT (one of those things). We are all wired up differently, and that's one of your quirks, I guess :shrug:

07-01-18, 11:33
I remember, and was wondering how you were going. Thanks for the update. I'm at seven+ months :( The struggle is real

Your burning ass is probably just OOTT (one of those things). We are all wired up differently, and that's one of your quirks, I guess :shrug:

How have you been doing?? It really does still get to me but not NEARLY as much. It is to a point where I am not focusing on trying to stop myself from thinking about it... I just let the thoughts happen and realize that I am OK

15-09-18, 00:38
I have the same problem. Was hoping to find out why.

06-11-23, 02:34
Basically what the title says... has anybody else ever experienced a burning sensation around their anus shortly after drinking alcohol? I'm talking within minutes after my first couple sips.

This happens to me. Always has. I'm 40 and haven't ever been much of a drinker, but whenever I sip something from Budweiser to Jack to mixed drinks, I feel this stinging right at the ring of my anus withing legit like 30-45 seconds or so. It's always seemed a totally unbelievable amount of time. And just a sip will trigger it. Even a tiny sip. So weird.
After having also searched far-and-wide and never found any record of the issue from others, I've just chocked it up to either psychological, or some weird allergen sort of thing. Every several years, I'll look around a bit more. Today, I found your post. Hello, my overdue anal burn buddy!

PS I'm totally not trolling, this is totally a thing and my wife thinks I'm nuts, but finally I can share this record of it happening to someone else!