View Full Version : Link between sexual "frustration"/celibacy and panic?

27-06-07, 18:23
Is there, according to you a link between sexual "frustration"/involuntary celibacy on the one hand and panic/anxiety on the other hand?

02-07-07, 03:14
yeah i think thats very possible. i'll report back once i'm not frustrated to let you know if i still get panic attacks

03-07-07, 01:49
No idea. Since I've been on meds I've forgotten what a sex drive is. LOL
Phill :shades:

03-07-07, 02:03
lmao...............i aint saying nothing!!!!!!!!!! i plead the 5th..........

03-07-07, 02:50
Personally I'm not frustrated :blush: and I still have anxiety issues so I don't think one has much to do with the other :winks:


03-07-07, 08:28
I'd think it would all come down to who that person is.

If you are worrying about your sex life or are frustrated by the lack of sex in your life, then I'm sure this would have an overall effect on your levels of anxiety.

There is evidence that shows men have higher sex drives than women in 'general'. The physical need for sex is moreso in men than the emotional need in women. So taking this into account and that if a man is being told that they cannot have sex when they feel they need / want it could be a trigger for frustration.

Frustration like all emotions is normally controlled by our normal way of thinking. Add to that emotion our inbuilt levels of anxiety and the un-natural way people who have anxiety and panic issues deal with it.

For me personally I have had problems with sexual frustration and how it has made me more anxious. Thoughts such as, Why won't she make love to me? Does she not find me attractive anymore? All of these thoughts ended up giving me more anxiety, eventually I found it hard to even start to think of having a sex life.


03-07-07, 12:44
great question.
Perhaps its more that anxsity can lead to lack of sex drive-although not always i assure you.:blush:

03-07-07, 18:52

03-07-07, 20:38
I was wondering why it took so long to respond :)

03-07-07, 20:47
more sex = more serotonin

...and the relationships between serotonin/depression/anxiety are there for all to argue over.

make love not panic.:D


07-07-07, 11:20
make love not panic.:D


Haha, what a fantastic moto. :yesyes:

07-07-07, 12:59
Don't ask me, I though oral sex was when you were that tired you just talked about it

09-07-07, 22:08
pmsl jaco

01-05-08, 12:55
Is there, according to you a link between sexual "frustration"/involuntary celibacy on the one hand and panic/anxiety on the other hand?

Frankly I just use whichever hand happens to be free at the time :noangel:

01-05-08, 18:03
My med's defo effect my sex drive, it is like minus 100! As you can imagine my husband isnt exactly ecstatic about this!

01-05-08, 18:04
pmsl @ gary! :roflmao:

01-05-08, 18:09
LMAO you are all cracking me up!

/I'm saying nothin :noangel:

01-05-08, 18:14
No wonder I'm anxious :whistles: :noangel: :roflmao:

03-05-08, 02:51
Anything that causes frustration will lead to tension and negative feelings so not only will it cause anxiety but also a depressed state until a way is found to ease the frustration!

Pink Panic
03-05-08, 09:43
Thanks for that Bill, I'm just off to look on the Ann Summers site for something to ease the frustration when the OH is away Offshore. :blush: :yesyes: :roflmao:


03-05-08, 10:20
Thanks for that Bill, I'm just off to look on the Ann Summers site for something to ease the frustration when the OH is away Offshore. :blush: :yesyes: :roflmao:


Oh please don't print things like that, I'm frustrated enough myself without having that image of you in my head this morning :ohmy: but if you want something a little more personal my number is 01329 284--- :noangel: Now see what you've done. Bad girl :shades:

Peep Show was great last night. Thanks again for reminding me it was on, although my laptop had a panic attack of it's own and wouldn't record it.

03-05-08, 12:14
I think having anxiety does affect your sex drive.
I have just lost all interest :lac:
However when things were good in my life it was very different :noangel: :blush:
I would rather go sleep now and I am still young...ish! :unsure:

milly jones
03-05-08, 13:26
i have difficulties,

i think its linked to depression

but more so to self esteem and not feeling good enough about myself

this obviously causes problems

i just cant relax enough ever

and so the cycle of low self worth begins again

i hate this illness

i just want to be normal, even if it were just for a short time

milly xxx

03-05-08, 20:32
Apart from the lowering of one's sex drive the next problem would be feeling suitable relaxed, as you rightly state. Even more than usual it's something that can't be rushed, (excluding, for the benefit of this argument, The Quickie, which has an appeal all of it's own of course), and should be allowed to happen at it's own pace.

I would also suggest that 'going all the way' shouldn't be the only aim to have in mind or for that matter that both partners reach an equal state of fulfillment. I used to be quite happy to, de-stress, so to speak, my ex-girlfriend without expecting anything in return. Her pleasure was mine. She would do the same for me at times too.

I can only speak from personal experience and I'm aware I'm saying nothing new or revolutionary here but if our circumstances change it's natural to change or vary our approach. These things do take time. And patience. The most important thing to learn is not to be defeated. Just shrug it off, forget about it about and try again another day. Which is how I try to approach everything these days. And it does work pretty well for me. Keep looking forward.

In Science 'mistakes' are merely 'research' and despite the somewhat uncomfortable analogy I think words like failure and mistake ought to be excluded from all sufferers vocabulary.

We're just researching :)