View Full Version : Social anxiety IBS

06-01-18, 10:15
Morning, I’m new to the forum but am looking for some support or ideas on how to manage my IBS which is related to social events. I have a fear of getting an upset stomach on days when it’s a birthday or family event or when I have to travel. Usually the anxiety and fear then sets my stomach off and I end up with diarrhoea any way, I feel sick and my stomach is like a volcano. 😰 any suggestions gratefully received yours hopefully Julia

23-06-22, 23:15
I just put a similar question in the IBS forum, Julia.

While I'm not likely to have any problems, I do have ibs and so its unpredictable and could flare up at a social event. I decided the best thing is to be able to talk about it, I mean not over do it, it's not the best topic of conversation, but have ways of accounting for why I might have to disappear into the bathroom or whatever, or why I am sitting quietly and not chatty etc.

But that's where I'm stuck. I've lived up to this point never talking about such things so I wouldn't know how to joke around the issue or anything. I know other people who wouldn't even worry about it and are social animals no matter what. i want to know their secret lol