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View Full Version : Itching under skin lymphoma

06-01-18, 11:41
Hi all! I'm wondering if anyone else has had this... I'm it itching all over it feels under my skin like a pin prick feeling itch.Its driving me mad I've had it on and off for about 2 years and lasts about a month at a time.Im petrified it's lymphoma :weep: I was stupid and googled stories that some had written they had itching for years before diagnosis and also normal blood tests so now I'm a weeping mess of a mother who's so terrified of leaving her little children:weep:I had a full load of blood tests taken end of November which all came back normal..which I was glad about untill I read it won't show up in bloods!! I try to distract myself but the itching is still there.im at a loss right now so down and constantly crying.Also been extremely tired past few months hence why I had blood taken...any words of wisdom greatly appreciated ..thankyou xx

06-01-18, 14:05
If it was lymphoma it wouldn't go away then come back. Also I itch all over after exercise of any kind and i've never found out why.

If you've had it for over 2 years then it's not something serious, it would have manifested much earlier if it was.

06-01-18, 15:48
Anytime I excercise I itch like crazy. Never questioned it, never thought about. Sure have been annoyed by it though. I have been like that my whole life and I am 47 now.

Lymphoma does not come and go. I know someone who passed from it, and if you had it, you would know. Especially after two years. She didn't last a whole year, and she was so sick she could barely stand a few months in. Since you asked for words of wisdom, I would say get help for the anxiety.

06-01-18, 16:59
I had a full load of blood tests taken end of November which all came back normal..which I was glad about untill I read it won't show up in bloods!!

Its true that blood work is not used to diagnose lymphoma but there would likely be something off with your counts if you had it.

The fact that it comes and goes mixed with the fact its been going on for 2 years makes the likely hood that its something serious extremely unlikely.

I went through a long period of time with symptoms similar to yours. I bounced from doctor to doctor finally seeing a specialist for allergies. In the end, guess what was causing the itching and other weird sensations? My laundry soap :doh: I dealt with this for well over a year and the answer was so simple. The doctors kept asking me, have you changed your body soap, laundry soap etc but I had been using the same soap for several years with no problems so the thought never crossed my mind but the truth is one can develop an allergy to anything at any time.. You can eat peanuts your entire life and one day in your 40s eat those same peanuts and end up with an allergic reaction. I am not a doctor so cant say your itching is caused by an allergy but its deff a possibility... Just a thought

06-01-18, 19:26
Thankyou all for your kind words! I must also mention I have 2 lumps on right hand side above breast so inbetween the middle of breast and collar bone.They feel fixed in pectorial muscle I showed my gp who said he could definitely feel them and has referred me for an ultrasound at the breast clinic,I asked if they were lymph nodes and he said no but looking at a photo of the lymphatic system they show them in this area? ..are there lymph nodes in this area? Or are they just in the neck,armpit and groin? Thank you so much xx

06-01-18, 20:07
There are lymph nodes around your collar bone/clavical but not in the area you describe.

07-01-18, 09:18
Ok so there isn't any lymph nodes where I've explained? When looking at a picture on the net it looks like there is.. confused now :wacko:

07-01-18, 11:31
I have severe itching in my legs atm.
I've had it several times before over a very long time.
So, I put it down to Anxiety.
I get it the same time as the bouts of adrenalin rushes and when I am sitting still, so could be caused by the adrenalin.

07-01-18, 23:12
Can anxiety really cause intense under skin itching even when I'm not stressed or thinking about It?

07-01-18, 23:17
Yes absolutley!

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08-01-18, 12:06
It's driving me mad and to top it off the lump I've had in the back of my neck is still there 3 months later..ive been good and avoiding touching it but stupidly checked it this morning and now in tears! With the chronic tiredness , lumps and this all over itching driving me mad I'm scared and petrified about lymphoma:weep: I keep looking at my children and filling up.I have mentioned this to the doctor who said I've had plenty of bloodwork and he's unsure the cause of tiredness and itching....im going to see a second gp Thursday for second opinion... I'm praying it's just health anxiety playing up again but I do fear the worst! I was shopping this morning and all I could feel is pin pricks,Itching all over ..i went shopping to take my thoughts somewhere else but it didn't work...please help xxx

08-01-18, 17:34

08-01-18, 17:59
I have the EXACT same story as you - in fact, I have just had an attack of terrible itching. However, I am also very anxious and stressed out about my swollen, mattered lymph node on my left side. I have had VARIOUS of check ups; blood work (all fine), ultra sounds, MR-scans, FNA etc. and all was apparently clear. I have seen 4 doctors, and none of them are worried. However, I am still afraid, as I keep reading that the only proper way to get a or rule out a diagnosis is through operative biopsy. And no doctors would do that, as my lymph node is placed in a “high risk” area. BUT I have just had this massive itchy attack, where my heart would pump like hell, leaving me feeling drained and tired. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m PRAYING that our problem is anxiety and nothing else. Please update, x

09-01-18, 12:57
Yes I too am hoping it's anxiety but even when I'm distracted and not thinking about it the itching is there which makes me doubt it's anxiety and something more sinister.Im just so worried the doctors just keep saying "your bloods are fine!" But it won't show in bloods and when I mentioned this to the doctor it was dismissed and he said just stay off Google!