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20-11-17, 18:12
I fell over on to my back about 5 weeks ago. Since then it’s been getting worse and worse. I can’t walk that well I have pain in my back, but the worst is the muscle spasms sometimes in my buttock but most of the time in my leg. They cripple me. I’ve been to the doctor had an X-ray all is ok. I’m taking diazepam, naproxen, gabapentin, co codimal. Trying stretching everyday, hot and cold compresses. Been to an osteopath. NOTHING IS WORKING. I’m a mum of four, my husband works away a lot so I have no choice but to keep going. The doctor doesn’t think it’s a slipped disc because I am the dame on each side and no weakness.
This is destroying me mentally I can’t be bothered to do anything, I know it sounds bad but I can’t be bothered to wash, clean my teeth. I take care of my kids but that’s all the effort I have. The doctor/osteopath tells me it’s going to get better but I’m in that room trapped where I can’t see out from the pain. Im so frightened I’m going to end up in pain on medication my whole life. I’m 33 and feel no way out. I have to say I’ve been having thoughts(just thought) but that’s how bad I am. The doctor is aware. I looked at getting an appointment with a lower lumber specialist privately £200 that’s just for the initial consultation. I’m waiting on a mri.
What I’m asking is have any of you been through anything similar? How long did it last roughly ?? Is there any light out of this dark dark box I’m in

20-11-17, 20:46
Hi , I've worn my back out in the middle and lower part ,just over a year ago it was so bad I could hardly get up and it was crunching and grinding, I thought I'd be that bad for good but it now comes and goes ( I'm older than you ) , some tips , don't lift heavy things easier said than done with kids , keep active resting too much makes it worse , your matress will make a big difference too soft or too hard , try sleeping with a pillow under your knees it puts your back in a neutral position, I take codliver oil maybe it works or maybe just think it does but if I stop it gets worse , you are young so it can definitely get better , oh and anxiety makes you tense up so that's doesn't help . Take care :D

21-11-17, 00:06
IT can take months to recover fully from muscle injury in your back.
The most important thing to help a speedy recovery is posture. Try to be aware of how you're sitting. Try to stay upright rather than slumped, and keep shoulders back don't let them lean toward. Osteopathy is a waste of time and money. Do mild stretches immediately after showers. if you do have to lift things bend your legs to pick up not your back.

21-11-17, 00:43
I'm so sorry that you're going through this.

I read a great book recently called 'How To Live With Chronic Pain And Illness'. It explains a concept called equanimity, which means calm acceptance. Pain is not only the physical thing, it's also the story you tell yourself about the pain. If you lump worry on to the pain, that can physically make the experience worse. So if you work on accepting the pain, and work on fighting off thoughts that it will be this way forever (because it won't), you can actually make your pain less bad. It does take mental work to get to this state, but it's worth it.

Considering that you're not taking care of yourself - do you know if you have problems with self-compassion? You have so much love in you - you take great care of your kids. Taking care of yourself will model to them what self-compassion is, which is super valuable. You deserve to give good care to yourself. Can you take care of yourself as well as you take care of your kids? If you're not physically capable, how can you get the support in the meantime until you're feeling better?

02-12-17, 19:18
I know that I sound pathetic, I fell 6 weeks ago. Been to go had X-ray all fine. I’m in so much pain I could cry. I’m in strong pain killers, and loads of tablets now waiting for a mri. But I’m a mum of four with a husband that works away: with can’t hardly walk. I’m so depressed. Any advice? I have no idea what’s causing the pain just that every muscle below my hip on my left side is hurting. I’m trying everything. I’m so so depressed, I have no knowledge of muscle problems so I don’t have a clue how
Long it takes to mend. Please any help any???? I’m so embarrassed about it the way I walk I’m getting worried that I’m not healing and I will need surgery :weep: :weep:

02-12-17, 19:52
Hi Donna, did your doctor suggest you do any physical therapy? That can sometimes help a lot. When I have muscle pain in my back, I use ice to reduce inflammation. I also find stretching/yoga helpful but I would be afraid to suggest something that might injure you more without your doctor's okay. The ice does make a big difference for me though. And I would really consider asking about physical therapy if it hasn't already been suggested.

02-12-17, 20:50
I use ice and heat and rotate between the two, the doctor has applied but it will take three months for an appointment. How did you get a bad back?? How long did it last, sorry for the questions but I feel so alone. I feel like I’m never getting better and with four kids I feel so helpless

02-12-17, 21:45
I have periods of shocking lower back pain. Mine is disc related and my whole back will go into one gigantic muscle spasm. I had physio in the past. What works for me is catching it quickly and resting with painkillers and heat pads. Although with 4 children I do appreciate resting will be nigh on impossible. I only take ibuprofen because I really can't tolerate strong painkillers.
There's nothing I can do except ride through it, worst case was a couple of weeks. The best thing for muscle spasm is physio therapy which you unfortunately have to wait for but they teach you to stretch correctly and strengthen your muscles to protect your back in the future but you have to keep up the exercises.

03-12-17, 00:14
I’ve been in pain and struggling for about 8 weeks and it’s just pulling me in to the ground wake up:back all day:back night;back all I do is research ways to get better if il get better. I’m so angry about it it’s eating my life away.

03-12-17, 01:41
Mine stems back to a car accident years ago... It's definitely not as bad as the initial months after the accident. But I do have to maintain my daily routine of yoga, occasional massage, and when I have a flare-up I have to ice it back down. I had whiplash and hurt my neck and upper back/shoulders.

06-01-18, 15:39
I’m in a pit a horrible self pitying pit. I’ve had a bad back for 3 month 3 F**king months. I have four children who need their mum to be 100% I can’t hardly walk I’m in so much pain, I’m 33. My depression is getting worse, the fact that I hate myself even more (didn’t think that there was much more to hate, turns out there is) I hate the way I look. I’m putting on weight because I’m not doing my usual stuff. I don’t want to go out one because of the pain but two because I know people are watching me limping. My husband asked me to go to dinner today but I said no because I hate the way I look and don’t want to embarrass him. I have to say I’ve been thinking some pretty horrible thoughts (just thoughts) but I can’t help it. I hate everything and don’t understand what I’ve done to deserve this. I try so so hard to help, be kind there other people. My husband always tells me if anything bad will happen it will happen to me. And that just makes me think about my age and what other horribleness I have coming my way. I’m sorry to you all for being like this. I feel so low

06-01-18, 15:47

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.
