View Full Version : Feeling really overwhelmed

06-01-18, 18:02

This is my first post to any forum on anxiety. I've decided to take this step as my anxiety is crushing my relationship so I wanted to talk to people who've been through something similar.

I'm in a really tricky situation. I've just gone back to do a full time MA, so have had to move out to be closer to uni. I'm 30, so I'm also working, meaning I'm doing 60 hour weeks - which is a lot of pressure already.

I've had terrible anxiety for the past couple of years, but it seemed to be getting better whilst I was busy at uni - though I have felt generally under a great deal of pressure and wonder if I've got the metal to see this through.

My main problem is at home however. The two people I've moved in with seem to have a great deal of issues of their own, also. One is clearly struggling with depression, and smokes weed daily, which means he's pretty paranoid about stuff. He's always going on at me about things, I get 2 - 3 messages a day as a standard, about anything from the internet, to not locking door properly, to use of the hoover. I'm naturally someone who wants people to be happy so I'm really trying to meet his demands, but it seems like nothing will make him happy. He shouts and swears loudly, slams doors, generally makes his mood known around the house. It's very soporific and overwhelming. He'll also never talk to me face to face about issues he has, only by whatsapp. At the other end of the spectrum, I have a house mate who is very controlling, probably as a result of her own anxiety. She decides she wants to rearrange a room, and it has to be done THEN AND THERE. She has a particular way of doing anything, and if you don't meet this expectation she'll make her displeasure known. She's also convinced my cat has fleas, though I've flea bombed and hoovered the whole house and no one else has had a single bite. My cat is regularly treated and I comb her daily and nothing. She also messages - quite passive aggressively a lot. It's sent my anxiety through the roof and now I'm really struggling at uni - I can't focus.

I don't know what to do. My boyfriend is sick of hearing about it. I don't have a break clause in the contract. I've tried to set boundaries but short of blocking them on my phone there's not much I can do.

Any advice would be hugely appreciated.

06-01-18, 18:08

Sounds grim. Can you advertise the space in the house and see if you can find someone to replace you there?

Is this a long-term relationship? Is he usually supportive? Are you able to vent on here instead of telling it all to him? I can see how it might get wearing for him - on the other hand, his lack of support might be a red flag - only you know your history and whether this is a blip.But if it's too much for him then possibly you need to find a way of off-loading somewehre else (eg here!)

06-01-18, 18:16

Sounds grim. Can you advertise the space in the house and see if you can find someone to replace you there?

Is this a long-term relationship? Is he usually supportive? Are you able to vent on here instead of telling it all to him? I can see how it might get wearing for him - on the other hand, his lack of support might be a red flag - only you know your history and whether this is a blip.But if it's too much for him then possibly you need to find a way of off-loading somewehre else (eg here!)

Hi Speranza,

Thanks for your response!

Generally, he is good. He's never experienced anxiety so it's all a learning curve for him. It's a long term relationship - but at the moment this is a major blip. I am questioning the lack of the support, but I do understand at the moment that it's probably overwhelming for him too. All he hears lately is the negative stuff - and about my anxiety, which is why I thought it'd be good to vent here instead. He's not being very kind to me at the moment, and I can feel his frustration with me, so I've said to contact me again when he can be kind, as I have loads of deadlines looming.

I think that I would likely have to pay estate agent fees - which I'll probably struggle to afford - but I think for my mental health - I need to get out of there. Money's just money anyway.

I usually see a therapist about my anxiety, but he's had a month off over Christmas, so I think this is feeding into it also.

Deep breaths!

06-01-18, 21:05
Well done! You can do this. Yes, vent here. x