View Full Version : Terrified ive caught hiv

06-01-18, 19:23
Please dont flame me I know how stupid I was. I had a ons last night, he did wear a condom, however in the drunkedness and moment I took it off 😱 he didnt cum inside me , he said he is clean, which I know anyone.can.say I feel so terrible, ive been in bed all day having panic attacks, will b hard to.get to a clinic now as tomorow is sunday and im working again monday , im so stupid, I hate myself :weep:

06-01-18, 19:28
Just think how many times a day people have unprotected sex and one night stands around the globe....the chances of you catching HIV are very very slim

06-01-18, 19:32
Omg thank you so much for your reply, I feel so lonely ans vulnerable today, he was a nice guy,he has txted me today and when I said I was really worried, he said dont be im clean

06-01-18, 19:34
Potter is right and you could have pages of replies telling you the same thing and while it may dampen the flames a bit it can't put out the fire completely.

I get you're in a panic and it seems pretty grim but facts and statistics don't lie. Worst possible case is you get tested, get your clear result and learn a lesson to take to heart.

Feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

06-01-18, 19:36
Thank you, I read I cant get tested for 3 months ?

06-01-18, 19:54
From what I understand, you can go in a month. If it were a risky situation then repeat at 3 months.

BUT... BIG BUT.... from what you wrote and the fact you're in communication with him indicates he's not just some off the street heroin junkie skeevy high risk person ;) Think about this for a moment. This guy whom you deem a "nice guy", sent you a text to say hi and is reassuring you about your fear. If he wasn't a "nice guy", you would be ghosted :winks: So how, based on the reality, would this even be a risky situation?

Positive thoughts

06-01-18, 19:59
Thankyou so much, yes he iswas lovely, he told me I left my jacket there so I am collecting it next week. Thing is he is origionally from africa �� and hiv over there is so high

06-01-18, 20:32
Thing is he is origionally from africa �� and hiv over there is so high

Ok then! :lac: My family is originally from Russia. It doesn't mean they tried to undermine the elections :rolleyes:

Seriously, let's leave it at that shall we? :)

Positive thoughts

06-01-18, 20:33
Thank you I feel so much calmer x