View Full Version : Side effect of anxiety or much worse?

07-01-18, 00:07
I'm 17 and currently dealing with a weird sensation. I noticed that my hands develop small white bubbles of skin, if that makes and once I break the bubble it is just air underneath but the skin around it opens up and peels. Is this something sinister or just due to sweaty hands?

11-01-18, 09:43

It sounds KINDA like a weird sort of eczema I get (I don't know why it happens, but I think it's either summer heat, allergies or anxiety) but I'm not sure if it's exactly the same thing. They're kinda horrible, but they're like tiny bubbles in a small patch on my hands/fingers. Only, mine have a bit of fluid in them. Seeing them makes me really uncomfortable.

Even if it's not the same thing, it doesn't sound sinister. But if you're worried, try just seeing if a doctor can prescribe some sort of cream to help. 0w0

Take care!~