View Full Version : Severe anxiety about starting new job

07-01-18, 02:54
Hi all it's me again. I have to start a new job a week Monday and I'm having severe anxiety and panic attacks. Can't eat, can't sleep and an overall feeling of dread. I have been in my current job for 20 years and due to my boss retiring I have had to find another. I wouldn't say I was particularly happy in my current job but now the change seems horrific.
I have just come back from a two week holiday and I am wandering if the jet lag is making it worse, it's almost 3 in the morning and I can't sleep due to unbearable anxiety. I'm just after some thought and suggestions. Atm I feel like I just want to lie in a ball and cry. I'm thinking of going to see my gp next week but I don't know if they can help in any way.

I take pregabalin 300mg twice a day and I am prescribed 4mg diazepam when needed which I rarely take. I did take 6mg earlier as I was on the verge of vomiting but it hasn't done anything .

Sorry for the long post. Thanks to anyone with any help or has been through the same thing. Kobey

07-01-18, 05:30
Hey Kobey,

I am 5 weeks into my meds nefazadone. I think it just started kicking in because im really jittery in the mornings for 5 days. Im only at 100mg. I had to drop from 200 because that was way to much for me and f'ed me up for 3 days.

I too had to start a new job 4 days after that. I have felt better dropping the med down but every day is a struggle at work right now. My first full week will be next week. I take clonopin .5 when it gets bad. Right now once a day. COnsidering taking .25 tonight.

07-01-18, 15:42
Hi changing jobs is an incredibly stressful time, much more so when it's after a long period in the same post and being forced on you so dont add to it by thinking what you're feeling is unreasonable. I took a package from my work after 20 odd years and took a few temp posts through an agency til I could get a permanent position. Every Sunday before I started the new temp job was a nightmare. But you know what being there is a lot easier than getting there.

Everyone was so nice and just glad to have an extra pair of hands helping out. What I would say is dont judge it til at least six weeks have passed. You're bound to feel a bit overwhelmed learning new things, meeting new people but it passes.

But just remember that they picked you for the job.They thought you were the best person for it. You got this, go and enjoy the next chapter of your career. And if the worst happens and you dont like it, you can get another. The fact you got this one shows just how much you have to offer.

up a ladder
07-01-18, 17:34
Hi changing jobs is an incredibly stressful time, much more so when it's after a long period in the same post and being forced on you so dont add to it by thinking what you're feeling is unreasonable. I took a package from my work after 20 odd years and took a few temp posts through an agency til I could get a permanent position. Every Sunday before I started the new temp job was a nightmare. But you know what being there is a lot easier than getting there.

Everyone was so nice and just glad to have an extra pair of hands helping out. What I would say is dont judge it til at least six weeks have passed. You're bound to feel a bit overwhelmed learning new things, meeting new people but it passes.

But just remember that they picked you for the job.They thought you were the best person for it. You got this, go and enjoy the next chapter of your career. And if the worst happens and you dont like it, you can get another. The fact you got this one shows just how much you have to offer.

Toddsmum put into words just what I was thinking. New job anxiety is probably affected 99% of the world workforce, so don't see this as an invalid reason to feel bad. I like you end up catastrophising events, sometimes it is a particular meeting at work, or like today, just being Sunday and Monday waiting for me when I wake.
You're not alone.

07-01-18, 22:01
Thanks all. I think I am feeling more anxious because of jet lag. I didn't sleep till 4 last night and slept through my alarm till 2pm. Lucky it is a Sunday. Last week of work tomorrow before I start my new job, feel anxious tonight.