View Full Version : Severe HA/worrying about death.

07-01-18, 05:04
Hey guys,

Long time reader but this is my first post, so hi! My name is Jamie and I have had quite bad anxiety generally for my whole adult life (I'm 31 now). I've suffered from health anxiety my whole life too, but it got very bad in 2012 when I had a sort of weird hormonal problem which left me feeling very ill. I suffered a few months of really debilitating anxiety at that time which robbed me of all my confidence and so on, and since then I've had a hard time keeping a job.

This year, I felt I was coping reasonably with the day to day stuff, but these last few months, I've been going downhill fast. I have a few health worries myself which I tend to focus on, but my big worry just now is my parents or my girlfriend dying. I didn't realise it until recently, but a big part of my anxiety is the fear that I'll be left alone and afraid. My parents are in their sixties, and I have begun to accept that one day they won't be here any more, but I'm realising now just how much I rely on the knowledge that they will be there and I can count on their support (and when they are gone, that I can count on the support of my girlfriend). I know that reliance on such is Officially Not Good and very likely an indication of how fragile my coping mechanisms are, also.

Now, my girlfriend has recently found a lump on her body which needs to be checked out at the hospital, and we are currently waiting on an appointment for this. This appears to have been the straw that broke the camel's back, because I'm really struggling to cope now. All I think about now is how awful things will be, dealing with loss and being left on my own when I can barely function acceptably already. This sounds INCREDIBLY selfish. I don't mean it to be, and that's another reason why I hate these thoughts.

I dunno how to get out of this cycle of worry, basically. I'm anxious and depressed and tearful (not like me) constantly at the moment, though I'm putting on a brave face for my girlfriend because I don't want to add to her worries. Anyway, thanks for reading. Any help coping would be much appreciated. :)

07-01-18, 08:16
You are doing the right thing about keeping your worries from your girlfriend. She is doing the right thing getting checked out and, even though everything will most probably be fine, she will be worried enough without you saying your worries to her.

Your parents are only in their 60s, hardly old!!! You probably have a long time with them ahead of you! However, as they get older, you will probably have to rely on them less, they may have to rely on you a bit as well. So developing a bit of coping strength now is important. As well as having people to Iean on when you need support, it's important to be there emotionally and physically for others when they need it too.

Maybe speak to the doctor about your fears if they are getting you down. They might be able to refer you to someone for coping strategies. You can as also get CBT courses online which can help with anxiety issues.

07-01-18, 08:22
It's very sweet that your worries are focused on other people, imo. I wish I could be like this. HA for me is a very selfish, imprisoning thing that breeds a lot of resentment from others. I hope your parents and girlfriends will be well. <3

08-01-18, 15:05
Haha, I'm not sure it's sweet as such, there's definitely a self-preservation aspect to it! Thanks very much for the replies, guys. Feeling a lot calmer yesterday and today. Definitely going to see my doctor and see if she can help, though. :)

08-01-18, 18:10
My ha fears are almost all on my husband. I have no siblings and my father is ded. No kids by choice and I'm not close ti my mom. I have no close friends. So my husband is everything. The thought of something happening to him is. Y big fear. We are turning 40 soon and I'm so worried

09-01-18, 01:22
Yeah, I've no siblings either. It's stuff like this that has convinced me that being an only child can be a bit rubbish, especially if you're an anxious adult. 40 isn't old, though!