View Full Version : Perceived weakness feeling in arms and fingers

07-01-18, 17:58
Hi Everyone

For the last few months I have been experiencing a perceived weakness in my arms and fingers on and off, I have been to a neurologist who is saying its anxiety and am now attending physio who says its a postural issue with tightening of the muscles due to anxiety and I am currently doing exercises and seeing him regularly.
Also over the last few weeks I have been getting dead hands at night even when I don't lay on them, physio says its because I am so tense at night which I know I am and I have been going to bed expecting that feeling too.
Has anyone else had perceived weakness and dead hands at night with anxiety being the cause.

Many Thanks


07-01-18, 19:06
Hey i had this in the start before the breakout of other symptoms occured, try not too think about it. ❤️

07-01-18, 19:21
You have a physiological explanation for your symptoms and the fact you used the word "perceived" indicates you recognize that this is a symptom caused by your mind. The very definition of the word says it all.

I've read tons of threads about this and I bet a search would yield pages and pages of results. Keep working on your anxiety. As you feel better mentally, I'm sure the symptoms will abate.

Positive thoughts

08-01-18, 02:25
I've been waking with dead/pins and needle hands every morning. I thought it was from lying on them :shrug: