View Full Version : why is this happening

27-06-07, 23:00
Just when I think things are getting better, they get significantly worse. Does anyone ever have anything like this...I feel a little pressure in my ear, and I am very dizzy and out of it. My hands are kinda numb feeling, and I just feel SO out of it, like I am in a different world. I am nauseous and just feel SO weak. I feel like I am on a boat, and when I am still, I feel like I am rocking, and stationary objects appear to be moving. My head feels hollow, I cannot even explain. It feels like there is air blowing in one ear and out the other. I am convinced I have MS, or that I had some type of stroke in my sleep. While nothing is actually numb, all my limbs feel weird and heavy. I know this is so vauge, but I am going through utter terror. Please help.

28-06-07, 09:25
hi i wrote in yesterday thinking i had ms or somthingas drastic i to feel so weak even though i no i have been in a high state of anxeity this week and last week to if it comes to but i still thought th worst i to haf boat rocking feeling a few times i had it that bad once i could not even stand up i had to go up stairs on my backside it made me feel sick as well doc said i had an infection at that time but it as happend when i got out of bed afew times long after that it was so scary and the more i paniced the worse it got so i try to calm my self down and it does pass any way hope that as helped put yr mind at ease bye for now trish xx

28-06-07, 16:19
Thank you so much for you reply Trish. It does help to know someone gets what I am going through. I seriously feel so terrible, and everyone around me expects me to go on with life like everything is normal. When no one was replying to my message, I assumed no one else had this, and everyone was thinking something serious may be wrong with me. Thank you so much for replying Trish, it really helps to know i am not alone.