View Full Version : Everyday I feel like this

07-01-18, 22:20
Everyday I wake up and think today's the day I'm leaving this earth .... it's debilitating and been going on for months... how can I live like this for the next XYZ years ?? Am I going mad ? I can't cope
I'm 41 , fat and sick to death of feeling like this . Why can't I be normal and enjoy my life, look forward to holidays etc . No ...... I wake up thinking the worst and go to bed thinking the same . I wish it would leave me alone

08-01-18, 19:06
Hi Sirtootiemus,

Have you spoken to a doctor about how you're feeling? Have you tried medication, or psychological help? What kind of things make you think today is your last?

So many people feel the same as you, including me. You're not alone!

08-01-18, 20:38
Hi I can relate to your problems, and a lot of them have been worked on and I have made some big changes Like lost 5 stone that's over 5 years ago now Sure I got help and was very proactive about making the changes Glad I did though :) Yes used to feel very sorry for my self and was compensaiting with over eating it was horrible. Can I ask is this what you do my advice is please get some help you can get better and things will change too for you ATB